Appleton Burn Injury Lawyers

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Determining Liability for Burn Injuries


Suffering a severe burn is an extremely traumatic experience that can leave both physical and emotional scars. When someone else’s negligence is the cause, burn victims have grounds to pursue compensation through a personal injury claim. However, proving liability for burn injuries in these complex cases requires the expertise of a skilled personal injury lawyer. […]


Classifications of Brain Injuries


Brain injuries can be among the most devastating consequences of accidents, often leading to long-term consequences that affect both the injured individual and their loved ones. Understanding the different classifications of brain injuries is essential in grasping the severity and potential outcomes. Here’s an exploration of the various types of brain injuries that can arise […]


Severe Burn Injuries and Wisconsin Personal Injury Law


  Burn injuries caused by fire, explosions, or hazardous chemicals can cause long-lasting pain and disfigurement. If you or a loved one suffered a burn injury, you know just how devastating burns can be. Many burn victims are left with massive medical bills for emergency room treatment, hospital care, surgery, medication, and rehabilitative care. They […]


What Are the Long-Term Ramifications of a Burn Injury?


According to statistics compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 1.1 million Americans suffer burn injuries that require serious medical attention each and every year. To put this alarming data into perspective, one person throughout the United States suffers severe burn injuries every 23 minutes. Severe burns can drastically alter […]


What Are My Legal Options After Suffering a Burn Injury?


Every year, an average of 450,000 Americans suffer burn injuries that require medical attention. While some of these injuries may be able to heal quickly without many long-term implications, others can change a person’s life forever. In many instances, severe burns can cause damage to the skin, muscles, nerves, and even the bones. In these […]


Can a Homeowner Be Held Liable for Burn Injuries in Wisconsin?


Even with modern heating systems and functioning smoke detectors, residential house fires still occur all too regularly. According to the U.S. Fire Administration (USFA), nearly 400, 000 residential fires occurred in 2017 throughout the United States. Cooking accidents, faulty heating systems, and electrical malfunctions account for the majority of household fires. As colder temperatures settle […]


How Common Are Serious Burn Injuries?


Every year, thousands of Americans suffer severe burns resulting in serious injuries. A burn injury can impact a person’s ability to work, while resulting in chronic pain and scarring. Burn injuries can be caused by gasoline in the aftermath of a car accident or misuse of hazardous materials at the workplace. Regardless of how these […]


Wisconsin Burn Injuries – Time Limits and Recovery for Damages


Burn injuries can leave lasting effects on your life, your family, and your finances. There can be physical effects including disfigurement, scarring, tissue, nerve, muscle, and tendon damage. Long-term care and on-going medical treatment can drain family finances and even lead to bankruptcy. Burn injuries can also be emotionally and mentally scarring in the form of pain, suffering, […]

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