Child Removal2023-11-13T15:29:48+00:00

Appleton, WI Family Law and Child Removal Lawyers

Custodial Parent Relocation Attorneys Serving Outagamie County

Today’s society is much more mobile than in decades past. In fact, mothers and fathers are now commonly relocating for employment, education, or remarriage. If children are involved, however, the custodial parent must petition a Wisconsin court for approval prior to any relocation. In turn, the non-custodial parent must also take timely legal action if he or she objects to the proposed relocation.

At Herrling Clark Law Firm, Ltd., our family law attorneys have earned the respect of peers throughout the local legal community. Working with both mothers and fathers, we strive to help our clients meet their parenting goals and protect the best interests of their children. Contact us to discuss your situation with an attorney experienced in handling child removal matters.

Relocating a Child Impacts Custody Agreements

In Wisconsin, relocating a child is also known as child removal. This does not necessarily mean that social services is removing a child from a parent’s custody due to abuse or neglect. Rather, it refers to a child moving within or outside of the state.

For unmarried, divorced, or separated parents, the custody and care of their minor children is governed by a parenting agreement. If the custodial parent wishes to move more than 150 miles within the state or out-of-state, he or she must give 60 days advanced written notice to the court and the non-custodial parent. If the non-custodial parent objects, he or she must provide written notice to the custodial parent and the court within 15 days of receiving the initial notice regarding the proposed relocation.

There are very specific legal provisions that must be followed regarding proposed relocation with a child. Our family law attorneys work with both custodial and non-custodial parents to ensure they use the proper forms and adhere to the appropriate standards. We also provide strong and compelling advocacy throughout the entire hearing process.

Herrling Clark Family Law Firm

Serving Northeastern Wisconsin

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At Herrling Clark Law Firm, Ltd., we have the informational resources and foundational knowledge needed to successfully handle child removal situations. Please contact us at 800-559-7366 toll-free to discuss your legal concerns. With offices in Appleton, Green Bay, and Oshkosh, we offer legal services to residents throughout the Fox Valley.

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