Wisconsin Trial Attorneys For Brain and Spine Injury Victims
Neck Injury Lawyers Serving Appleton, Green Bay, and Oshkosh
Of all the injuries a person can sustain in a car or workplace accident, those involving the brain and spine cause the most frustration and anguish for victims and their families. Broken bones eventually heal, but paralysis or brain damage is rarely temporary.
At Herrling Clark Law Firm, Ltd., our personal injury attorneys know the loss of a loved one does not only occur through wrongful death — it can also happen with a significant brain injury. If you or a family member sustained head, neck, or spinal cord damage due to the negligence or recklessness of another, you may be able to pursue legal action. Contact our firm to schedule a free initial consultation.
Traumatic Brain Injury
A traumatic brain injury (TBI) or closed head injury can be an “invisible” result of a serious personal injury accident. On the outside, a person with a TBI appears whole and healthy. However, those who know the loved one may recognize the subtle and not-so-subtle indications that something is just not right. They see the inconsistencies, the confusion, and the inability to carry on logical conversations. In some cases, the personalities of loved ones are not only altered, they are completely missing — leaving the injured victim a shell of who he or she once was.
Spinal Cord Injury
When the neck and spine are injured, healing is often a slow, tedious, and painful process. Numerous and costly therapy sessions may be required to regain range of motion. For more serious injuries, such as paraplegia or quadriplegia, recovery may not be possible. In these cases, victims and their families must learn how to function in their new reality and remodel living spaces to make the home and workplace more accessible.
At Herrling Clark Law Firm, Ltd., we understand the degree of trauma that you are facing. From physical and mental loss to emotional anguish and financial hardship, life has changed, perhaps forever. However, you are not alone. Our personal injury attorneys are strong legal advocates for the victims of head, neck, and spine injuries. We aggressively pursue the compensation you and your family need for current and future injury-related expenses.
Herrling Clark Personal Injury Law Firm
Serving Northeastern Wisconsin
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Brain and Spine Injury Law Blog
What Should I Do If I Suffered a Concussion in a Car Accident?
According to the Brain Injury Research Institute, concussions are among [...]
Can I Receive Compensation for a Brain Injury in a Car Accident?
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Can a Blood Test Be Used to Diagnose a Traumatic Brain Injury?
Concussions and other types of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) can [...]
To schedule a free initial consultation with a lawyer at Herrling Clark Law Firm, Ltd., contact our firm at 800-559-7366 toll-free. With offices in Appleton, Green Bay, and Oshkosh, we serve the legal needs of clients throughout the Fox Valley.