injured at summer camp, Wisconsin Personal Injury AttorneyAccording to the American Camp Association, an estimated 10 million children attend either day camps or sleep-away camps every summer in the United States. While camps can be fun and rewarding social activities, they also open children up to several different risks of injuries. Some of these common injuries are a result of the following accidents.

Collisions and Falls 

Camp often involves numerous types of activities on a daily basis, many of which include obstacle courses, ropes courses, and other physical games and collaborative activities. Though such activities can be effective at building confidence, trust, and teamwork abilities, they also pose the risk of children falling from heights, colliding with objects, or colliding with other campers. Falls and collisions can result in broken bones, contusions, traumatic brain injuries and more. Counselors who supervise such activities should be properly trained and should always pay close attention to participating children.


Summer camp and campfires go hand-in-hand. Children gather around fires to sing, roast marshmallows, and tell stories. However, whenever there is a fire, there is the risk of sustaining serious burns. Burns can be extremely painful and can require extensive medical treatment. Counselors should teach campers proper fire safety and should closely supervise a group when they are near fire or flame. All camps should also have adequately trained medical staff who know how to administer emergency care for a burn.

Overexertion and Sun Poisoning 

Summer campers spend several hours each day outside, which brings the risk of sunburn, sun poisoning, or heat stroke. Counselors should always make sure that all campers who are outside have on sufficient sun protection and that they are properly hydrated. They should be able to recognize the signs of dehydration or overexertion and should take appropriate action if a camper shows any symptoms.

Sports Injuries 

Camps often involve sports, many of which are contact sports. Whenever anyone participates in a contact sport, there is the risk of serious injury, especially traumatic brain injury. Camps must always provide the necessary protective gear for all sports participants and should provide immediate and adequate medical assistance if a camper suffers a blow to the head. Moreover, a camper should not be permitted to return to play until he or she is thoroughly examined and the staff is certain a concussion did not occur.


Wounds from sharp objects such as knives cause an estimated 15 to 17 percent of all camp injuries. Knives, scissors, and other sharp tools are often used in survival activities, arts and crafts and more. Cuts can range from minor to extremely serious; however, all cuts have the ability to become infected or develop other complications if not properly treated. Camps should also teach careful knife safety to anyone who will be handling a sharp object.

Contact a Wisconsin Personal Injury Attorney

Unfortunately, Wisconsin’s Recreational Immunity Statute (section 895.52) may prohibit you from recovering damages if you were injured while attending summer camp Because of the complexity of the limitations placed on property owners’ liability pursuant to the Recreational Immunity Statute, you should contact an attorney to discuss the circumstances of your injury. If you or your child was injured at camp, please call an experienced Green Bay personal injury attorney or an Appleton personal injury lawyer at [[title]] today. We have offices in Appleton, Green Bay, and Oshkosh, so contact us for help at 920-739-7366.