
Appleton, WI Divorce Attorneys

Family Law Lawyers for Property, Support, and Child Issues in Outagamie County

A divorce can be highly contentious and emotionally exhausting for any family. A divorce requires the efforts of an attorney who can understand the complex issues concerning your family. At Herrling Clark Law Firm, Ltd., we have experienced divorce attorneys who will resolve your disputes as quickly as possible.

Our divorce attorneys will seek to provide individualized solutions to meet your family needs. We understand that every situation is different and every client is unique. Our attorneys will seek a long-term solution that works for your family.

Divorce cases are highly complex because they often involve disputes over business matters, marital or nonmarital properties, and the division of other assets such as retirement accounts. Our attorneys will assist you in resolving even the most complex divorce matters. We can assist you in resolving disputes over maintenance/alimony, custody/placement, child support, and the division of your assets.

Please contact us for more information about our family legal services. We are highly experienced with all of the following:

Now is the time to protect your rights. Decisions made during your divorce proceeding will affect your future and financial security. Ensure that your rights are protected with a team of divorce attorneys you can trust.

Legal decisions and court orders resulting from your divorce will affect your life into the future. Whether you and your spouse already have agreed to the terms of your divorce, or you need an effective lawyer to protect your rights, our team of experienced divorce attorneys will work with you to get the results you need in your divorce. Your legal interests related to your children as well as your financial security are our primary concerns.

We offer highly effective legal services and competitive legal advocacy. Our attorneys are professionals who know how to get results. We are straightforward and effective lawyers who seek results in every case. Our firm works with the needs of each client to protect their interests, security, and long-term goals. We are skilled in negotiating settlements, but we are prepared to take any case to court. At Herrling Clark Law Firm, Ltd., we also offer collaborative law services for any client seeking a nontraditional divorce proceeding. If you are interested in learning more about collaborative law, please contact our firm.

Herrling Clark Family Law Firm

Serving Northeastern Wisconsin

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For more information about our practice areas or to speak to an experienced Wisconsin lawyer, contact Herrling Clark Law Firm, Ltd. today.

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