Support and Maintenance2023-11-13T15:28:15+00:00

Wisconsin Alimony Attorneys

Divorce Attorneys for Spousal Support or Maintenance in Appleton and Outagamie County

The financial security of both parties is one of the primary concerns during a divorce. Both parties are seeking to maintain their current standard of living, as well as ensure that they are protected in the future. Unfortunately, a divorce can have a significant impact on the lifestyles of the parties.

At Herrling Clark Law Firm, Ltd., we understand your concerns regarding financial security. Our attorneys will strategize and advocate for your short and long-term financial interests after a divorce. Contact us to speak with an experienced Fox Valley alimony attorney.

Protecting Your Standard of Living

Every person has different needs and goals. When a marital relationship disintegrates, these needs and goals can rapidly become lost in the emotional turmoil of a divorce. Our family law attorneys are committed to guiding you through the divorce process and helping you determine how best to provide for yourself and your children. Rest assured, we will strive to obtain the alimony resources required to meet your needs and assist you in achieving your life goals.

Our family law attorneys are sympathetic to the financial stresses associated with a divorce. They will work to protect your rights in relation to:

At Herrling Clark Law Firm, Ltd., our attorneys are experienced in handling the most complex support and maintenance cases. We will thoroughly investigate your case to protect your rights and financial security during and after a divorce proceeding. If you are worried about protecting your assets such as an inheritance, we can work to ensure that your non-marital property is protected under the law.

Herrling Clark Family Law Firm

Serving Northeastern Wisconsin

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For more information about our family law practice or to speak with an experienced alimony lawyer, contact Herrling Clark Law Firm, Ltd. at 800-559-7366 toll-free. With offices in Appleton, Green Bay, and Oshkosh, we offer legal services to the residents throughout the Fox Valley.

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