Custody and Physical Placement2023-11-13T15:29:13+00:00

Appleton, WI Child Custody and Visitation Attorneys

Family Law Attorneys for Physical Placement and Removal in Outagamie County

The custody and physical placement of your children after a divorce will be one of the most important decisions made by the court. As a parent, you know that where your children reside will affect their stability, their education, and even their long-term health and well-being. At Herrling Clark Law Firm, Ltd., our attorneys are highly experienced with the legal issues concerning child custody, physical placement, and visitation.

Our attorneys will protect the rights of our clients throughout a divorce proceeding. As your legal representative, we will work to ensure that your rights, legal interests, and the best interests of your family are protected into the future.

Everyone knows that a divorce can be extremely painful for children. Many children fear that the separation will distance them from one parent. They may fear having to choose where they want to reside. At Herrling Clark Law Firm, Ltd., we are sensitive to the needs of children during a divorce, and we will work to find a solution that will be suitable for the whole family. If you are facing a divorce and are concerned about custody, placement, or visitation issues, contact an attorney you can trust to protect your rights and the best interests of your children.

Our custody and physical placement attorneys are experienced with all of the following:

Issues of custody and physical placement during a divorce will address where your child will permanently reside, as well as how the visitation schedule will be set. It is almost always beneficial to be represented by an experienced custody attorney throughout this process, as it will affect your visitation schedule, where your children will attend school, who will act as the primary custodian, and even child support. Investing ineffective legal representation now will help you to protect your rights into the future.

Herrling Clark Family Law Firm

Serving Northeastern Wisconsin

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For more information about our family law areas or to speak to an experienced Wisconsin custody and physical placement lawyer, contact Herrling Clark Law Firm, Ltd. today.

Attorneys you can trust for all of your legal needs • Call 800-559-7366 or 920-739-7366 today

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