Green Bay Police Find a New Way to Promote Pedestrian Safety

monitor pedestrian safety, Green Bay pedestrian accident attorneys, Operation Frogger, pedestrian safety, Wisconsin Law, Wisconsin personal injury lawyerPedestrian accidents in Wisconsin may seem high now, but they have been decreasing over the past few decades. According to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WDOT), 1, 277 crashes involving pedestrians occurred in Wisconsin in 2012 alone. Since 1990, Wisconsin has worked hard to decrease the number of pedestrian accidents by focusing its efforts on areas such as enforcement, education, and emergency response. As a result of these efforts, pedestrian-related accidents in Wisconsin have decreased by 40 percent since 1990. Moreover, these numbers should continue to fall due to a new campaign created by the Green Bay Police Department targeted to promote pedestrian safety.

Operation Frogger 

The Green Bay Police have found a fun way to remind drivers that they must yield to pedestrians or pay a fine by referencing a popular arcade video game from the 1980’s called Frogger. The object of the game Frogger is to get the main character, symbolized by a frog, to cross a busy street without being hit by various objects. Although it is a simple concept, Green Bay Police will post signs on the side of the road that will say “frog ahead” and will show a picture of a computerized frog. Their hope is that drivers will pay more attention to pedestrians and proceed with caution when pedestrians cross the road.

Prior efforts to increase awareness towards pedestrian safety have resulted in numerous “failure to yield” citations and warnings. It was reported that recently the Green Bay Police Department deployed several police officers to monitor pedestrian safety. The deployment resulted in 13 “failure to yield” citations and three warnings to drivers in a two-hour period alone. The Green Bay Police Department is concerned that drivers are not understanding the importance of yielding to pedestrians and warn drivers that they are done giving out warnings and will write citations in the future. Hopefully the new lighthearted “Operation Frogger” campaign will appeal to drivers and raise awareness regarding the importance of adhering to pedestrian safety laws.

Current Wisconsin Law Related to Pedestrians

According to Wisconsin law, a vehicle must yield to a pedestrian who has started walking onto a pedestrian-designated crosswalk or a traffic-controlled crosswalk while the traffic signal is green or flashes “walk.”  The law also states that in crosswalks that are not controlled by traffic signals, pedestrians should not dart into traffic and must give vehicles adequate time to stop before entering a crosswalk.

Contact a Green Bay Pedestrian Accident Attorney

If you or a loved one have been involved in a pedestrian accident in the Green Bay area, seek medical attention immediately, and then contact one of our experienced Green Bay pedestrian accident attorneys at [[title]] right away. Injuries sustained from a pedestrian accident can be life threatening and we can help you receive the compensation you deserve to move on with your life.