Risk of Rollover Accident Higher for Some Vehicles – What You Should Know

Wisconsin auto accident lawyersRollover accidents are among some of the least common types of automobile accidents, occurring in only about three percent of crashes each year. Unfortunately, they are also one of the most devastating types of accidents. They are so dangerous, in fact, that the small three percent of crashes are thought to cause as many as 30 percent of the auto accident deaths per year. The following information explains how you can reduce the risk of rollover and death, and what you can do to try and recover your losses.

Which Drivers Are at the Greatest Risk for Rollover?

Any vehicle can rollover under the right circumstances, but those most at risk are typically taller and narrower at the top, which creates a higher center of gravity on the vehicle, making it “top-heavy.” Examples include SUVs, vans, pickups, and minivans. Speed, rapid shifts in direction (i.e. turning too quickly or sharply and then trying to overcorrect), or “trips” on curbs, soft ground, or in potholes are all ways that such vehicles may tip over and then roll.

Preventing and Surviving a Rollover Accident

Ideally, the best way to prevent a rollover accident is to avoid purchasing vehicles that are considered top-heavy.  Of course, this does not necessarily help those that already own such vehicles, or must drive them because of work, family size, or other factors. For these individuals, the strongest ounce of prevention is to try and steer purchases toward newer vehicles, which appear to have a lower rate of rollover. Overloading and excessive speed should be avoided, and great care should be taken on country roads. Drivers of top-heavy vehicles should also ensure they check tires and tire pressure regularly, and they should always wear seatbelts to decrease their risk of fatality, should an accident occur.

Recovering from a Rollover Accident

Insurance companies, who are in the business of making money – not paying it out – often attempt to deny the claims of rollover accident victims. If unable to outright deny the claim, they will try to gather evidence that can reduce their payout, or they will try to use the physical, financial, or emotional disadvantage of a victim to try and talk them into taking a lower settlement amount. As such, victims should know how to protect their rights, including their right to pursue full and fair compensation.

At Herrling Clark Law Firm, Ltd., we fight for the rights of rollover accident victims. We stand up to the insurance companies and pursue the most favorable settlement possible for our clients. Get the skilled assistance you and your loved ones deserve. Schedule a consultation with our Appleton, Wisconsin rollover accident lawyers today.


