Traffic Fatalities Reach Record Low

Despite facing extremely harsh winters, Wisconsin and neighboring Minnesota are posting low numbers of traffic accident-related deaths.
Annually, the departments of transportation, from each state across the country, release data on the number of recorded traffic fatalities. Both Minnesota and Wisconsin have been found to have historically low numbers this year, according to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration.
In Wisconsin, the latest numbers for 2014 show the total number of traffic fatalities at 498. This is the lowest number since 1943. Minnesota is posting even lower numbers at 358 fatalities for 2014. The final numbers will be posted in May.
What is Causing the Decrease in Fatalities?
Multiple factors are believed to have contributed to the success of Wisconsin’s safer driving statistics, including improved public education efforts, greater focus on seat belt and driving under the influence enforcement, and better technology. Moreover, keeping drunk drivers off the road, making sure passengers are buckled up, and ensuring children are properly restrained has had the largest impact on public safety.
The success of Wisconsin’s efforts to improve driver and pedestrian safety is illustrated by the fact that traffic fatalities in the state have been steadily decreasing over the past few years. In 2013, the number was below the five-year average with only 527 traffic deaths. This was a 12 percent decrease from 2012 in which 601 people died.
Even more impressive is the decrease in motorcycle deaths—84 in 2013. Overall, there were approximately 19, 000 fewer traffic crashes in 2013 than in 2012.
Despite the decreasing number of traffic deaths, accidents caused by wintry conditions, aggressive driving, texting while driving, and drunk driving are still serious problems for the citizens of Wisconsin. In the winter, these problems are magnified due to reduced visibility and poor road conditions.
Contact an Experienced Wisconsin Car Accident Attorney
If you or a loved one has been hurt in an accident, please contact an experienced Green Bay car accident attorney or Appleton car accident attorney at [[title]] today. With offices located in Appleton, Green Bay, and Oshkosh, we are prepared to help you. Call us today at 920-739-7366.