Why Speeding Can Increase the Risk of Car Accidents

green bay car accident lawyerMany forms of driver negligence can lead to car accidents, and violations of traffic laws are often a clear sign that a driver is at fault for a collision. Driving above the speed limit is one of the most common traffic violations, and it is likely to be committed by every driver at some point. While many people do not feel that speeding is a serious violation, it can be very dangerous, and it can greatly increase the chances of a collision while also making an accident more likely to cause serious injuries. By working with a skilled and experienced attorney, car accident victims can demonstrate that speeding or other forms of driver negligence were to blame for their injuries, and they can receive financial compensation for their damages.

Dangers of Speeding

Over the past decade, speeding has been a factor in between 25 percent and 30 percent of all fatal car accidents in the United States. This adds up to thousands of deaths each year and more than 25 people being killed every day. In addition to accidents where someone was killed, there are many more non-fatal accidents, and speeding is responsible for tens of thousands of injuries every year.

There are multiple reasons that speeding can lead to dangerous accidents, including:

  • Decreased reaction times – When traveling at higher speeds, a vehicle can travel a significant distance between when a driver notices something and when they are able to react to it. Even if a person responds almost instantly after noticing an obstacle in the road or after a car in front of them slows down suddenly, they may be traveling too fast to act in time to avoid a collision.
  • Increased stopping distances – At higher speeds, vehicles take longer to slow down and stop. If a driver is exceeding the speed limit, this decreases the chances that they will be able to slow down in time if they encounter unexpected traffic congestion or if another vehicle has slowed down to make a turn.
  • Loss of control – Driving above the speed limit increases the likelihood that a driver will be unable to control their vehicle safely. A driver may lose control if they need to swerve around an obstacle or a slower-moving vehicle or when going around a curve. Loss of control is even more likely when a driver is speeding during inclement weather, such as rain or snow.
  • Greater force of impact – When traveling at faster speeds, vehicles have more momentum, and the energy of a crash is much higher. Collisions that occur when a driver is speeding are more likely to cause serious injuries to drivers and passengers, as well as extensive vehicle damage.

Following a collision, it is important to gather evidence that can demonstrate that a driver was acting negligently, including by speeding or violating other traffic laws. Our attorneys can act quickly after an accident to obtain and preserve different forms of evidence, including police reports and records of traffic violations, testimony from witnesses to the collision, photos of the scene of the crash, footage from traffic control cameras or security cameras at nearby businesses, and recordings or transcripts of calls to 911.

Contact Our Green Bay Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyers

At Herrling Clark Law Firm, Ltd., we can help address your needs following a car accident, and we will make sure a negligent driver who caused a collision due to speeding is held liable for your injuries and damages. To get skilled and dedicated legal help with your injury case, contact our Appleton car accident attorneys at 920-739-7366 and set up your free consultation today.



