Understanding Wisconsin's Dog Bite and Injury Laws and Your Rights as a Victim

Appleton dog bite and injury attorney, dog bite and injury lawsDogs may be known as man’s best friend, but they can and do sometimes cause injury or harm to innocent victims. Most of the time, those injuries are caused by an unleashed or stray dog. However, that is not always the case. If you or someone you love has recently been bitten or otherwise injured by a dog, know your rights under Wisconsin state law.

Injury Caused by Dog at Large

Under Wisconsin state law, no dog may be left to roam unsupervised or unattended. They can be unleashed, as long as the owner is within an off-leash exercise area at a park where dogs are permitted. Still, the owner must maintain sight of his or her dog at all times. If a dog is found at large, it can be impounded. If the dog causes injury to a child, adult, animal, or property, the owner can be held fully liable for any damages that are incurred by the victim.

Leash Laws May be Irrelevant to Your Case

Although Wisconsin does impose a leash law, it may be considered irrelevant in some personal injury cases since the law only states that an owner can be held liable for any damages caused by the dog. It is important to speak with a skilled personal injury attorney to determine if and when a leash law may hinder your dog bite or injury case.

Damage May Extend Beyond the Bite

While bites are typically the most common injury experienced by victims, a dog does not have to actually bite someone before the owner is held liable for damages. If, for example, a dog jumps on you or runs you over and causes you to fall and injure yourself, the owner could be held accountable by the courts. A skilled personal injury attorney can help you determine if you may be due compensation for your non-bite injuries.

Owners can also be liable for “double damages” in certain cases if the dog bit someone in the past. However, recent changes to the law have made it harder for injured victims to make “double damage” claims. Contacting a knowledgeable personal injury lawyer to assess whether you may be entitled to “double damages” is the best way to ensure you understand the extent of the damage claims available to you.

Contact a Skilled Attorney for Your Dog Injury Case

Despite some marked improvements in Wisconsin’s dog bite and dog injury laws, there are still aspects that leave room for error or interpretation. This can make matters extremely difficult for victims or families who are may still be dealing with the aftermath of an injury. For these reasons, it is important that all victims seek the assistance of a skilled and experienced attorney for their dog bite or dog injury cases.

At [[title]] we are sympathetic to victims and their families. Dedicated and experienced, we will aggressively pursue fair settlements for your injuries and losses. Get the representation you deserve and hire a Green Bay dog bite and injury attorney or Appleton dog bite and injury attorney with your best interests in mind. Call 920-739-7366 and schedule your free initial consultation today.


