Are You Owed Compensation for Your Auto Accident Injuries?

Green Bay auto accident lawyersBeing in an auto accident can result in many adverse challenges, including physical injury, pain and suffering, missed time and wages from work, and even emotional or mental distress. If you were the victim of an accident at the hands of a neglectful driver, you may be wondering who is left to compensate you for these challenges, which can be costly and stressful. 

You know that the damages to your car will be taken care of, but what about you? Who will cover the costs to get you back up and running?

Who Covers the Damages After an At-Fault Accident in Wisconsin?

If there is a silver lining in all this suffering, it is the fact that, if you were not at fault in the accident, the negligent or reckless driver should be held responsible for all the costs incurred following your accident, including the injuries you sustained. You, the victim, should never be held responsible.

In fact, under Wisconsin state law, motor vehicle insurance is mandatory – yet, even if a negligent driver is uninsured, you will still likely be able to proceed with a claim for some of the following expenses: 

  • Medical Expenses: These could be doctor or hospital visits, costs for medication and other doctor prescribed expenses, such as ambulatory devices (i.e. neck brace, wheelchair, etc.);
  • Pain and Suffering: Due to your physical injuries, you may have lost some quality of life. You could be suffering from trauma that has resulted in emotional and mental distress that required treatment. All of this falls under pain and suffering, and it should be compensated for by the responsible party.

So, what can you do to ensure you receive the compensation that you deserve?

Our Green Bay Car Accident Lawyers Can Protect Your Right to Pursue Fair Compensation 

Hire an attorney who specializes in personal injury. He or she can help you navigate the challenges that come with dealing with insurance companies so that you can get the help you not only need but so fully deserve.

If you need a personal injury lawyer to help you in your pursuit for compensation, contact Herrling Clark Law Firm, Ltd. at 920-739-7366. Our Appleton auto accident attorneys offer free consultations, compassionate assistance, and aggressive advocacy for your claim.
