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Coping with Emotional Trauma After an Accident


Auto accidents are one of the more traumatizing events that a person can go through, yet the emotional injuries that people experience are often overlooked. In fact, even victims sometimes discount the emotional impact that an accident can have on their lives. Know how to recognize the signs and symptoms of emotional trauma, learn how […]


Smoke Inhalation – The Other Fatal Fire Injury


When one thinks of fire-related injuries, they typically think of burn injuries. However, burns are not the most common cause of fire-related deaths. Instead, that title goes to smoke inhalation. It is a silent killer that can keep victims from finding their way to an exit, and it can cause asphyxiation that may ultimately result […]


Could ADHD Medication Improve Cognitive Outcomes for TBI Sufferers?


Traumatic brain injury is one of the most common accident-related injuries in America, affecting some 1.7 million people each year. Many will ultimately recover from their injuries, but others will have persistent or long-term complications, including cognitive issues. Scientists now believe that an ADHD medication may help. Learn more about this treatment, and discover what […]


Can You Receive Compensation for Mental or Emotional Injuries After an Accident?


Some accidents are relatively minor, with only physical injuries. Others can be emotionally or mentally devastating. Either way, victims may be owed compensation. However, it can often be difficult to prove injuries that are not physical. As such, it can be difficult to receive compensation for unseen injuries, such as posttraumatic stress disorder or anxiety. […]


Pursuing Compensation for Catastrophic Injuries and Long-Term Treatment


Many injuries sustained in an accident may heal over a period of weeks or months, but others may require long-term or even life-long treatment. These types of injuries, which are otherwise known as catastrophic injuries, often receive higher amounts of compensation. Unfortunately, the pursuit of such claims can be complex, and there is always the […]


Pedestrian Accidents and Drunk Drivers – A Fatal Combination


Drunk driving accidents are thought to account for approximately one-third of America’s fatal crashes (more than 10, 000 accidents per year), but not all victims are other drivers. In fact, one study found that about 13 percent of all pedestrian deaths were caused by an intoxicated vehicle driver. What sort of compensation might the families […]


Summer Traffic Safety – What Every Road User Should Know


Summer is full of barbecues, vacations, and lazy days by the water. Unfortunately, it also tends to result in an increase of severe traffic accidents. Why does this phenomenon occur, and what should road users do to protect themselves from the negligent behavior of others? The following explains, and provides you with some details on […]

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