Green Bay Personal Injury Attorney

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What Are My Legal Options if I Am Injured at a Sporting Event?


Millions of fans nationwide attend sporting events with the hopes of having a good time, creating memories, and the possibility of going home with a souvenir. A well-known tradition at any event is having the chance to take home a part of the game. At baseball games, foul balls, home runs, and other memorabilia can […]


Why You Should Avoid Social Media During a Personal Injury Case


Updating statuses, posting pictures, and checking into locations online has become a focal point for people of all ages who love to share their experiences with friends, family members, or others in their social circle. For many people, constant connections with hundreds, if not thousands, of friends and followers is part of their daily lives. […]


What Should I Do if I Am in a Bicycle Accident While Riding to Work?


More and more people today are using bicycles as a mode of transportation, especially when traveling to work. This is a great form of exercise in addition to being a more economical way to reach your destination. Plus, since bicycles do not use gasoline like cars, they do not pollute the environment. Some cities across […]


What Injuries Can Occur in Electric Scooter Accidents?


A recent transportation trend has seen people of all ages begin to use electric scooters, also known as e-scooters, to travel in cities throughout the United States. An e-scooter is a powered stand-up scooter which uses a small electric motor. This mode of transportation is especially popular in warm weather or mild climates. Electric or […]


What Types of Injuries Can Occur During Summertime Activities?


With warm weather comes a variety of outdoor activities to look forward to, especially for those who have spent a long, cold winter indoors. Summertime is a chance to be outside–swimming at a pool or beach, hiking, biking, gardening, grilling out, etc. All these events can be fun, but it is important to be aware […]


Amusement Parks and the Injuries They Cause


The United States has more than 400 different amusement parks and attractions – and that is not counting state or county fairs that change location on a regular basis. Generating more than $219 billion per year, one would assume that these places are a fun and safe way to spend time with their families. Sadly, […]


Pursuing Compensation for Catastrophic Injuries and Long-Term Treatment


Many injuries sustained in an accident may heal over a period of weeks or months, but others may require long-term or even life-long treatment. These types of injuries, which are otherwise known as catastrophic injuries, often receive higher amounts of compensation. Unfortunately, the pursuit of such claims can be complex, and there is always the […]


Early Morning Crashes and Black Ice – What You Should Know


Even after roads have been plowed and treated to melt the snow and ice, road users need to be aware of potential dangers. This is especially true when it comes to the presence of black ice. Often caused by areas that have melted and then refrozen, it is most often an issue in the early […]

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