Marketed as a smoking cessation product, electronic cigarettes have grown massively in popularity over the years. However, an analysis of several studies suggests they may not be effective in helping smokers quit. Even more concerning are the warnings coming from doctors regarding the potential health risk they may pose to users. Add in the defective electronic cigarette claims being filed and these little products begin to seem much more dangerous than they look.
UCSF E-Cigarette Study Analysis
In their Lancet Respiratory Medicine published study analysis, UC San Francisco researchers examined 38 studies to determine the association between e-cigarette use and smoking cessation. Results from another 20 studies with control groups that had not used e-cigarettes were then added to give an overall statistic of their efficacy as a smoking cessation tool. Researchers determined that the overall odds of quitting smoking were 28 percent lower for those that used electronic cigarettes.
Troubling Health Concerns
Last year, the Milwaukee Wisconsin Journal Sentinel released an article on the potential health concerns of electronic cigarettes. Prompted by two specific cases—one of a woman with a rare form of pneumonia and another of a man who suffered from hypersensitivity pneumonitis—the article drew parallels between the commonly used e-cigarettes ingredient diacetyl and chemical exposure injuries suffered by farmers, popcorn workers, and coffee roasters.
Health experts also expressed their concerns, saying that, while no definitive evidence of cause and effect existed, the two cases seemed too coincidental to dismiss completely. They, too, seemed to take note of the commonalities between the lung conditions found in two former e-cigarette users and workers exposed to the diacetyl.
Both patients highlighted in the article allegedly recovered after treatment and cessation of e-cigarette use. However, the experts stressed the potential for permanent scarring and damage if such conditions are left untreated or if exposure continues over time. Ultimately, they encouraged smokers to talk with their doctors about quitting instead of trying to use a potentially dangerous product that has yet to be endorsed or tested by the Food and Drug Administration.
E-Cigarette Explosions
If the potential health hazards and lack of evidence regarding their efficacy as a smoking cessation device are not enough to deter users, then maybe the risk of explosion will. According to the Los Angeles Times, three men have filed lawsuits against popular electronic cigarette manufacturers after the devices allegedly exploded. One reportedly had his left index finger amputated and suffered severe burns. Another suffered from alleged facial fractures and second-degree burns on his neck, ear and face. The third experienced second-degree burns after an electronic cigarette allegedly exploded in his pocket.
Defective E-Cigarette Lawsuits
Hoping to kick their smoking habit, unsuspecting consumers may have unwittingly become exposed to yet another danger. And, with no warning label, consumers have little way of knowing the true risk of using e-cigarettes. If you or someone you love has been seriously injured or suffered an illness because of electronic cigarettes or another defective product, [[title]] can offer skilled and dedicated representation. Contact an experienced Appleton product liability attorney or Green Bay product liability attorney at 920-739-7366 today for a free initial consultation.