Who Can be Held Liable for a Commercial Truck Accident?

Commercial trucking accidents can cause serious damage and injuries to traveling motorists. Following a truck accident, attention is often directed at the commercial driver. However, several factors can contribute to the cause of a truck accident. The first step in recovery is to identify which party acted negligently and was at fault. The following are examples of liable parties in truck accidents:
Truck Driver
Driver error is the most common cause of commercial truck accidents. Drivers can be negligent in a number of different ways, including the following:
Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol;
Distracted driving;
Driving while fatigued;
Violating traffic laws;
Violating Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) regulations;
Failing to inspect the truck;
Driving with a serious health condition; or
Driving without the proper license.
Trucking Company
A trucking company can be held liable for negligence of their drivers. However, trucking companies may be negligent in their own right, as well. Companies can cause accidents by negligently hiring unqualified drivers, failing to conduct the mandatory random alcohol or drug tests, encouraging drivers to violate hours of service regulations, and failing to maintain trucks in the fleet.
Cargo Loaders
Cargo is often loaded onto a truck trailer by a third-party company. These cargo loaders may cause accidents in several ways. Overloading can make it more difficult for a truck to slow down or stop and can thus lead to a collision. Also, not properly securing the cargo can cause the load to shift and throw the trailer off balance, causing the driver to lose control.
Truck Manufacturer
When a truck manufacturer sells defective truck parts, those parts can malfunction and lead to accidents. Common defective parts that cause collisions include brakes, tires, axles, and steering columns.
Maintenance Crew
If an independent maintenance crew does not properly identify any issues with a truck during inspection, or does not properly repair or maintain the truck, the crew could be liable for malfunctions and accidents that happen as a result.
Call a Wisconsin Truck Accident Lawyer to Find Out How You Can Recover
Several different parties may be responsible for a truck accident; therefore, it is imperative to have the assistance of an experienced Appleton truck accident attorney or Green Bay truck accident attorney who knows how to identify the correct negligent party and handle complicated trucking cases. [[title]] has a team of skilled attorneys ready to help you with offices located in Appleton, Green Bay, and Oshkosh. Contact us today at 920-739-7366 to schedule your free initial consultation.