
Examining the Most Common Car Crash Causes in Wisconsin

An estimated six million crashes occur in the United States each year. Of those, nearly 40, 000 results in someone’s death. Thousands more result in injuries that cause victims to miss time from work or school. Victims also tend to incur medical expenses, and they may even experience a loss of vitality, or they may be rendered disabled. Thankfully, by knowing the most common causes of crashes, drivers can reduce [...]

2018-01-17T08:01:00+00:00January 17, 2018|Car Accidents|

Types of Compensation You May Be Owed After an Auto Accident

Car crash victims who have been injured by a negligent party have a right to pursue compensation for any injuries or losses they may have experienced. Sadly, since victims do not always know what sorts of damages they might be owed, the insurance companies often attempt to minimize their payout amount. Avoid this issue by learning what types of compensation you may be owed after an auto accident, and discover [...]

2017-12-29T09:27:00+00:00December 29, 2017|Car Accidents|

Preparing Early for Winter Driving Can Reduce Your Risk of an Accident

With fall quickly giving way to winter, many Wisconsin drivers are considering how they can reduce their risk of a car crash. Snow and ice – a common occurrence in this state during the winter months – come together to create hazardous surfaces. The added risk of other drivers, the potential for vehicle malfunctions, and the extreme cold only add further to each driver’s overall risk of an accident. Learn [...]

2017-11-01T10:25:00+00:00November 1, 2017|Car Accidents|

Avoiding Accidents at Dangerous Intersections

Statistics indicate that some 60 percent of all accidents occur at intersections. Furthermore, red light running is thought to account for approximately 200, 000 injuries and 800 deaths in 2015. Thankfully, drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists can all reduce their risk of a traffic accident at dangerous intersections. Learn more about crashes at intersections, including your right to pursue compensation if an injury or fatality happens to you or a loved [...]

2017-10-09T09:25:00+00:00October 9, 2017|Appleton Car Accident Attorneys|

Examining the Dangers of Fall Driving

Because it is associated with holidays, family, and outdoor fun, fall is a considered a beautiful and joyous time of year by most people. Unfortunately, it can also be dangerous – just as dangerous, sometimes, as the winter. Learn how you can protect your family from potential injury this fall by examining some of the biggest season-related driving dangers, and how to avoid them. You shall also learn what you [...]

2017-09-15T08:19:00+00:00September 15, 2017|Appleton Car Accident Attorneys|
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