
How to Pursue Compensation for Bites by Unleashed Dogs in Wisconsin

Well-trained and supervised dogs can bring joy to both their owners and people who encounter them in public, but an unleashed dog can often pose a safety risk. In Wisconsin, a dog’s owner can be fined and the dog can be impounded if it is allowed to run at large outside of the owner’s property without supervision or restraint. However, these penalties may pale in comparison to what may happen [...]

2022-07-29T15:15:49+00:00October 8, 2020|Dog Bites|

Can I Receive Compensation for Dog Bite Injuries in Wisconsin?

Many people think of dogs as loving companions, which can make it all the more shocking when a dog attack occurs. Nevertheless, thousands of Americans suffer dog bites each year, and many of them require medical attention for their injuries. If you have been bitten by someone else’s dog, you may be wondering how you will pay for the treatment you need to recover. Fortunately, under Wisconsin law, you have [...]

2022-07-29T15:16:00+00:00August 26, 2020|Dog Bites|

How Common Are Serious Dog Bite Injuries in the United States?

In the U.S., approximately 4.7 million people suffer dog bites every year, and around 800,000 people receive medical care for dog bite injuries. While injuries from dog bites can be serious or even fatal for any person, dog bites can be especially dangerous for small children, and victims can suffer life-changing consequences. If you or a loved one have been bitten by a dog, you will want to work with [...]

2022-07-29T15:19:15+00:00April 28, 2020|Dog Bites|

How Common Are Dog Bite Injuries?

You know the saying that a “dog is man’s best friend?” A dog can absolutely be a wonderful addition to any family. In 2017, there were an estimated 90 million dogs throughout the United States. While the vast majority of dogs are usually harmless, any dog can react in an aggressive manner if provoked and sometimes without provocation. Here in the United States, dog bites are incredibly common. According to [...]

2019-03-18T15:26:10+00:00March 18, 2019|Dog Bites|

Preventing Infection After a Dog Bite Injury

Dogs might be considered man’s best friend, but they are still animals, and they can still cause injury. In some cases, dog bite injuries may be severe, which may increase the victim’s risk of infection. Learn how you can prevent this from happening after a bite injury and discover how an experienced attorney may be able to help you obtain compensation for your losses. Treating Minor Bite Injuries Most minor [...]

2017-08-28T10:33:00+00:00August 28, 2017|Dog Bites|

Dog Bites More Common in Summer: Know How to Protect Yourself and Your Children

With summer now in full swing, there are more people—and animals—out and about. Unfortunately, the risk for dog bites is increased. This is especially true when in public areas where dogs might be, such as the park or while walking around in your neighborhood. Know what you can do to protect yourself and your children in the coming months, and know what to do if a bite should occur. Protecting Yourself and [...]

2016-06-27T15:53:44+00:00June 27, 2016|Dog Bites|

Property Ownership Not Enough to Establish Dog Ownership

The Wisconsin Supreme Court recently altered how Wisconsin's dog bite statute, Wis. Stat. § 174.02, can hold property owners liable for dog bite injuries. It is now more difficult to win money from the owner of a property where a bite occurs. In Augsburger v. Homestead Mutual Insurance Company, the highest court in the state addressed the following question: When an individual owns a dog, but the animal is housed on [...]

2015-02-04T07:00:43+00:00February 4, 2015|Wisconsin Personal Injury Lawyer|
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