
Reacting to a Rear-End Collision in Wisconsin

Here in the United States, rear-end collisions are the most common of all car accidents. According to the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), upward of 1.7 million rear-end crashes occur each year, throughout the United States. Rear-end collisions can result in major damage to your vehicle and serious injuries to you and your loved ones. If you have been involved in a rear-end collision, it is time to speak with [...]

2022-07-29T15:16:05+00:00August 6, 2020|Car Accidents|

Drunk Driving Thought to be a Factor in the Rise of Hit-and-Run Crashes in U.S.

Over the last few years, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has tracked an increasing number of hit-and-run accidents in the United States. Some of these accidents are caused by young drivers or those who do not have a license or the proper insurance. However, the biggest contributing factor is thought to be alcohol. And the problem is a lot bigger than most people realize. The Relationship Between Alcohol [...]

2016-05-19T14:53:18+00:00May 19, 2016|Drunk Driving Accidents|

Underage Drinking and Driving Accidents in Wisconsin

Underage drinking can cause a host of problems ranging from alcohol dependence, violent crimes, and even death. However, a growing concern is now the presence of young drivers who get behind the wheel after consuming alcohol. In fact, in 2010 traffic accidents caused by underage drinking and driving cost approximately $255 million in damages in Wisconsin alone. In 2009, there were 31 fatal traffic accidents and 1, 529 non-fatal traffic [...]

2014-08-30T07:00:48+00:00August 30, 2014|Car Accidents|
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