
What Can You Expect from Your Burn Injury Case?

Burn injuries are often caused by preventable and negligent mistakes, such as car accidents or defective products. In such instances, victims may be owed compensation for the injuries and losses they experience. Learn more about the claims process and how an attorney can help protect your rights in a burn injury case. Types of Burn Injuries Despite the common misconception, there are actually several different types of burn injuries, and [...]

2017-08-09T09:37:00+00:00August 9, 2017|Appleton Burn Injury Lawyers|

Burn Injuries in Children Can Have Long-Lasting Effects

Burn injuries can be physically, financially, and emotionally devastating for anyone, but children can be at an especially high risk for fatality and long-term complications. Their bodies are smaller, and the recovery can be more traumatizing. Now it is being suggested that children may also experience developmental and educational delays because of their burns. This makes it even more critical for parents to understand their right to pursue compensation. How [...]

2017-02-23T08:07:00+00:00February 23, 2017|Appleton Burn Accident Lawyer|

The Psychological Effects of Burn Injuries

According to the American Burn Association, an estimated 40, 000 individuals suffer burn injuries that require hospitalization or extended stays in burn centers. Medical treatment for severe burn injuries has much improved in modern times and the survival rate for burns is nearly 97 percent. However, even after injuries are stabilized, burn victims are commonly left facing a long road to recovery that may include significant pain, extensive and invasive [...]

2015-05-28T14:27:23+00:00May 28, 2015|Appleton Burn Injury Lawyers|
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