
Companies Selling Products After Discovering Defects – What Are Your Rights?

Consumers have the right to expect reasonably safe products from manufacturers. What happens when manufacturers not only fail to meet that expectation but also cause intentional harm by continuing to sell unsafe products? Learn more, including how an experienced product liability lawyer can help with your defective consumer product case. Gross Negligence in the Manufacturing Industry When it comes to gross negligence in the manufacturing industry, and the continued sale [...]

2017-09-25T09:29:00+00:00September 25, 2017|Green Bay Products Liability Lawyer|

Companies Selling Products After Discovering Defects – What Are Your Rights?

Consumers have the right to expect reasonably safe products from manufacturers. What happens when manufacturers not only fail to meet that expectation but also cause intentional harm by continuing to sell unsafe products? Learn more, including how an experienced product liability lawyer can help with your defective consumer product case. Gross Negligence in the Manufacturing Industry When it comes to gross negligence in the manufacturing industry, and the continued sale [...]

2017-09-25T09:29:00+00:00September 25, 2017|Green Bay Products Liability Lawyer|

What Every American Should Know About the Consumer Protection Safety Act

The Consumer Protection Safety Act (CPSA) is meant to protect consumers from the risk of death or injury from dangerous and defective products. Enacted by Congress in 1972, it outlines guidelines for the safe production, sale, packaging, and labeling of consumer products. It also regulates manufacturers and requires that they follow a specific protocol if or when a defective product is discovered. Unfortunately, not all manufacturers adhere to the CPSA. [...]

2017-03-28T09:04:00+00:00March 28, 2017|Dangerous Products|

Child and Baby Products Can be Dangerous

All manufacturing companies have the legal duty to design, produce, and sell products that are safe for consumer use. Even if the products are not safe under certain circumstances, the company must provide adequate warnings regarding the possible risks of the product. When a company fails to meet these legal duties, injured consumers can hold the company liable by filing a products liability claim in civil court. Several types of [...]

2015-10-16T17:30:00+00:00October 16, 2015|Defective Products|

Product Liability for Dangerous and Defective Products

When a person experiences sickness caused by a drug's unknown side effect, or is seriously hurt by a dangerous or defective product, he or she may be able to recover the costs of his or her injuries through a products liability lawsuit. Products liability law protects consumers from products that were defectively designed or did not meet safety standards. While Wisconsin's products liability law has recently undergone some changes, the [...]

2015-02-06T13:18:14+00:00February 6, 2015|Green Bay Products Liability Lawyer|
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