What Are the Most Dangerous Types of Car Accidents in Wisconsin?

Green Bay auto accident attorney for speeding and drunk drivingAccording to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, there are almost 130,000 car accidents in the state each year, on average. Only about 25 percent of these crashes result in injuries or fatalities, but there are certain kinds of accidents for which the rate is much higher. If you have been injured in one of these dangerous crashes, you may need a personal injury attorney who can help you pursue financial compensation for your damages.

Wisconsin Car Accidents With a High Risk of Injury or Death

Any kind of accident can cause an injury, but these are some of the most likely to result in serious harm:

  • Alcohol-related accidents: Over half of Wisconsin accidents involving at least one drunk driver result in injuries. Alcohol also accounts for more than 30 percent of all annual car accident fatalities.
  • Speed-related accidents: Speeding is a factor in about 30 percent of Wisconsin car accident fatalities, and around 40 percent of speeding accidents result in injuries.
  • Motorcycle accidents: Motorcycles account for less than 2 percent of all traffic accidents in Wisconsin, but 14 percent of all accident fatalities. Motorcyclists involved in an accident almost always suffer some kind of injury.

What Should I Do if I Am Injured?

Because of the severity of these kinds of accidents, you should be sure to accept or seek a medical examination and treatment as soon as possible. You will also want to contact an attorney promptly and begin gathering evidence that can establish another party’s fault for the accident. It is especially important to obtain photographs of your injuries, the accident scene, and the vehicles involved. In addition to taking these photos, our attorneys can help you collect witness testimony, police reports and 911 transcripts, and traffic and security camera footage.

The sooner we can gather evidence, the better able we are to help you pursue a claim for full compensation from the liable parties. Through a personal injury lawsuit, you can seek compensation for your high medical expenses, lost time from work, and pain and suffering that often comes with a serious injury. In the case of a fatal accident, family members of the victim can also pursue compensation through a wrongful death claim.

Contact a Green Bay, WI Personal Injury Lawyer 

When another driver causes you harm by speeding, driving drunk, or engaging in other negligent behavior, you need an attorney who can help you get the financial compensation you need and deserve. At [[title]], we are available for free consultations, and we are committed to taking fast action after your accident. Contact an Appleton car accident attorney today at 920-739-7366.

