What Should Drivers Do to Prevent Car Accidents Caused By Road Rage?

Driving can be a stressful experience for any motorist that is dealing with traffic jams, incompetent drivers, and the looming fear of car crashes. An automobile is intended to be a form of transportation that results in a quicker, easier commute. However, when people are subjected to stress while operating a vehicle, rage and anger can fester. Road rage can lead to car accidents, serious injuries, and wrongful deaths. Drivers or passengers who have been injured in a collision in which road rage was a factor should be sure to understand their legal options for recovering compensation for their damages.
Why Are Drivers Angry?
Aggressive drivers often take unsafe actions when behind the wheel, such as excessive speeding, reckless driving, and other types of traffic violations. Those who experience road rage often escalate their levels of aggression, which can lead to even more dangerous collisions. Road rage is typically an impulse reaction that happens in the moment, rather than a premeditated act that the driver planned. Outside factors such as stress at work, relationship issues, financial problems, lack of sleep, and drug or alcohol use could all play a role in a driver’s aggressive and dangerous behavior.
A Further Look into Road Rage
The American Automobile Association’s Foundation for Traffic Safety has reported that nearly 80% of people surveyed stated that they have experienced some form of road rage at least once. Looking further into the study reveals some other striking statistics:
- 51% of polled drivers reported that they had tailgated another driver purposefully.
- 47% responded that they had yelled at a fellow motorist.
- 45% admitted to honking their horn at another driver.
- 33% have admitted to displaying obscene gestures.
- 24% reported that they blocked a vehicle from changing lanes.
- 12% stated that they had cut off another car on purpose.
- 4% of respondents admitted to confronting another driver outside of their vehicle.
- 3% claimed a purposeful act of ramming or bumping another car.
Ending Road Rage
While outside factors can play a role in the development of a person’s road rage, the ability to control one’s emotions is crucial in preventing injuries while on the road. When getting behind the wheel, drivers should be sure to manage their stress levels in order to avoid becoming angry and aggressive. Some precautions that drivers should take include:
- Getting enough sleep
- Obeying traffic laws
- Being a considerate driver
- Avoid timing issues by leaving early
- Listening to relaxing music
Ultimately, it is the responsibility of a driver to keep from letting one’s emotions guide their actions. Anger management classes and therapy have proven to be very successful in reducing stress, which could further assist with road rage. Common tips and tricks learned in these sessions could be the difference between life and death for some motorists.
Contact a Green Bay Car Accident Lawyer
As motorists, we share the road with pedestrians and other drivers. While we can focus on improving our own actions, we cannot do that for anyone else. Drivers who do not take steps to control their anger or emotions can put everyone else at risk. In a split second, an innocent person could be the victim of a dangerous motor vehicle accident, resulting in medical expenses, loss of wages, or even death. At Herrling Clark Law Firm, Ltd., we can work with you to help ensure you are fully compensated for injuries caused by a driver’s road rage. Contact our Appleton personal injury attorneys today at 920-739-7366 to schedule a free initial consultation.