Broken Feet Can Cause Serious Losses

Appleton personal injury attorney, broken feetBroken bones are often considered to be a relatively minor form of personal injury. Certain fractures or breaks can heal relatively quickly and with little need for therapy or ongoing treatment. However, accident victims with broken bones may suffer the effects of their injuries for an extended period of time.

According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS), of the approximately six million individuals who sustain a broken bone on an annual basis, an estimated 300, 000 patients will face difficulties or complications during the healing process. This can be especially challenging if a broken bone is located in the foot or the ankle.

We rely on our feet, ankles, and legs for mobilization. For this reason, the inability to bear one’s weight on a foot, or to even stand up, can cause serious difficulties and losses. The longer an accident victim's recovery time takes, the more extensively he or she will lose income and incur other financial losses.

Common Causes of Broken Feet or Ankles

While some broken bones occur in an accident that is no one's fault, other victims end up with a fracture due to the negligence of another person or party. The most common types of accidents caused by negligence and can lead to a broken foot or ankle include the following:

  • Bicycle accidents;
  • Pedestrian accidents;
  • Motorcycle accidents;
  • Car or truck accidents;
  • Sports injuries;
  • Falls from heights or down the stairs;
  • Slips, trips, and falls; and
  • Construction site accidents.

Losses Sustained by Accident Victims

If you are injured in an accident and sustain a broken bone, you will need to seek medical attention and may therefore incur losses due to the costs of X-rays, a cast, an orthopaedic boot, a wheelchair, or any other treatment necessary to stabilize the bone and encourage the bone to heal correctly. However, in other cases of compound fractures or shattered bones, surgery may be required to insert pins, screws, or other hardware to hold the bone together while it heals. Moreover, you may not be to bear any weight for several weeks following a surgery.

Not being able to stand or walk on your foot can result in loss of income, especially if your job requires you to stand, walk, or drive. You will likely have to rely on others for your transportation and general care, or will be required to spend time in an assisted living facility. Additionally, if your home has many stairs or other obstacles, you may not be able to return home until you are fully healed. Not only can this be inconvenient, it can also be costly.

Contact a Qualified Appleton Personal Injury Lawyer as Soon as Possible

Accident victims who have broken a foot, ankle, or any other bone caused by the negligence of another party should not delay in consulting with an experienced Appleton personal injury attorney or Green Bay personal injury attorney. The skilled legal team at [[title]] is dedicated to helping their clients receive the full recovery they deserve for their injuries. We have offices conveniently located in Appleton, Green Bay, and Oshkosh, so please do not hesitate to call our office at 920-739-7366 to schedule your free consultation today.
