Can I Recover Compensation if I Was Injured by a Distracted Driver?

We have all done it. You are driving along the highway when your phone rings. You know you should ignore the incessant ringing until you are not driving, but temptation wins, and you reach for your phone. Distractions such as cell phones contribute to nearly 80 percent of car crashes, according to some estimates. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that nearly 3,000 lives are lost in accidents involving a distracted driver each year. If you have been in a car accident caused by a driver who was not paying attention or was distracted, you may be able to recover compensation for your damages through a personal injury lawsuit.
Distractions Which Can Cause Traffic Accidents
For many, driving a motor vehicle has become second nature. Although most people exhibit cautious behavior when they are first learning to drive, after a while, many people become careless. About one out of 50 distracted driver traffic fatalities are caused by drivers who take their hands off the wheel to adjust the radio or climate controls. Driving with other people in the vehicle can be a major source of distractions as well. About one out of 20 traffic fatalities caused by distracted driving are attributed to the passengers in the car. This phenomenon is especially true of teenage drivers. Research shows that when a teen drives with two or more passengers, the likelihood that they will be involved in a fatal car accident increases by a factor of five.
Mental Distractions Are Just as Dangerous as Physical Distractions
Some may assume that if they wait until they are no longer driving to check their text messages or change the radio station that they avoid the dangers of distracted driving. However, experts say that distractions outside of the car can be dangerous too. About one out of 15 distracted driver fatalities are caused by people or other distractions outside of the vehicle. However, the leading cause of distracted driving car accidents is simply drivers who are lost in thought. Research shows that over half of distracted driving accidents—about 62 percent—are caused by daydreaming.
Negligent Drivers May Be Liable for Your Injuries
Regardless of their intention, drivers who are distracted or not paying attention put others in danger. If you have been injured in an accident caused by a driver who was using a cellphone, distracted by passengers, lost in thought, or otherwise negligent, you may be able to receive financial compensation for damages like medical bills and pain and suffering. The at-fault party could also be held responsible for your lost wages and the decreased quality of your life due to the crash.
If you suspect that the driver who caused your accident was distracted at the time of the crash, a qualified personal injury lawyer can help you investigate the details of the case. Your lawyer can also identify and preserve important evidence that could be key in securing compensation for you.
Contact a Green Bay Distracted Driver Accident Injury Attorney
To learn more about seeking compensation for your injuries through a personal injury lawsuit, contact an experienced Appleton car accident lawyer at Herrling Clark Law Firm, Ltd. for help. Call 920-739-7366 to schedule your cost-free initial consultation with a member of our team today.