
All press releases


What Are the Effects of Electrocution Injuries?


Most people are familiar with the dangers presented by electricity. However, we are surrounded by electrical devices and wiring in our everyday lives, and the risks of electrocution are present in a wide variety of situations. Anyone who experiences electrocution should understand the effects of this type of injury and the options for pursuing compensation […]


Examining the Long-Term Prognosis and Outcome for Electrocution Victims


Statistics from the Electrical Safety Foundation International, or ESFI, indicate that there were over 2, 200 non-fatal electrocution injuries in the year 2015. One-quarter of those electrocutions resulted in time away from work for the injured party. While the median time-frame amounted to just 10 days, the data also suggests that a return to work […]


Avoid Electrocutions in Your Home


Electrocutions are relatively common for construction or utility workers, electricians, or on other types of job sites. However, many people may not appreciate the risk of electrocution in their own homes. Home electrocutions can occur for many different reasons, including faulty wiring, defective appliances or power tools, and faulty outlets. Moreover, electrocutions can cause serious […]

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