Construction is widely considered to be one of the most dangerous industries due to the number of workers injured and killed every year while on the job. However, construction workers are not the only ones who risk sustaining serious injuries in or around a construction site.
The dangers of a construction site can cause injury to anyone who is near the site, even if workers are not present. Sites should always have a barrier to keep out small children and clear warning signs of possible hazards. The following are additional examples of conditions that may lead to construction site accidents:
Ground or structure collapses — Construction sites are, by nature, unstable with trenches, holes, and structures in various stages of construction. Before a foundation is completed, the ground around a hole or trench can collapse. Additionally, until the building supports are completed, structures can be unstable, may fall apart, or crash down on anyone nearby.
Electrocutions — Electrical systems can be complicated and can take time to install. In the meantime, a construction site may have ungrounded wires or other possible hazards that can lead to electrocution and serious injuries for pedestrians walking by the site.
Falling objects — If workers are building on scaffolding, ladders, roofs, or other heights, they may lose control of tools or materials that may fall down on anyone walking below. Objects left at heights during off-hours may also fall down when workers are gone.
Machinery accidents — Whenever heavy machinery is used, there is the risk of injury. Cranes, lifts, and other machines are often used to transport large, heavy pieces of building materials. If an operator makes an error, or the machinery malfunctions, the materials may fall on pedestrians passing by the site.
Road hazards — Construction sites on roads and bridges are particularly dangerous for anyone driving, riding a bicycle, or walking on that road. Several different types of negligent acts can lead to injuries in or around road work zones, including failure to warn motorists of potential hazards, inadequate direction of traffic, leaving tools or materials in traffic lanes, and much more.
Contact a Green Bay and Appleton Personal Injury Attorney Today
If you have suffered any type of injury due to hazardous conditions on a construction site or due to the negligence of workers, you should not delay in contacting an experienced Appleton personal injury lawyer or Green Bay personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. At [[title]], our team of attorneys understand how to handle this type of complex claim and will stand up for your rights to recover from the liable party. Please call one of our office locations in Appleton, Green Bay, or Oshkosh at 920-739-7366 to schedule your consultation today.