How Drunk Driving Increases The Risk of a Car Accident

Appleton drunk driving car accident lawyerOn April 5th, 2019, three people were fatally injured in a car accident outside of the Village of Bristol. The three passengers were killed when a drunk driver who was traveling at speeds over 100 mph rear-ended their vehicle, causing the car to flip into a ditch. The tragic accident was a sobering reminder of the dangers of drunk driving. If a member of your family is injured in a drunk driving accident, you should seek out legal assistance right away. 

Drunk Driving Injury Statistics 

Throughout 2017, one American was fatally injured every 48 minutes in a motor vehicle collision involving a drunk driver. In all, a shocking 10, 874 people were killed in drunk driving accidents in 2017. Here in the state of Wisconsin, drunk driving is one of the leading factors contributing to car accidents. According to statistics compiled by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, 2, 872 people were injured in drunk driving accidents statewide in 2015. Of those injured, 190 people ultimately lost their lives due to the injuries suffered. Throughout that year, alcohol was a contributing factor in 34% of all Wisconsin traffic deaths.

How Drinking Impacts a Driver 

When a driver makes the negligent decision to consume alcohol prior to getting behind the wheel of a car, they are putting their own life and the lives of others at risk. First and foremost, drinking can significantly impact a person’s motor skills, resulting in substantial declines in coordination. Alcohol consumption can also diminish a person’s reaction time, decision making, and vision. Even if the driver is operating their vehicle in a responsible manner (obeying speed limits and staying in their lane), the diminished motor skills increase the likelihood of a collision. 

In many cases though, drunk drivers choose to drive recklessly. Reckless driving may include driving at speeds above the legal speed limit, making erratic lane changes, and tailgating other vehicles. When a driver is traveling at speeds over the legal speed limit, collisions can be increasingly volatile. Choosing to follow other vehicles too closely can result in dangerous rear-end collisions, like the accident mentioned above. 

Contact a Green Bay Car Accident Lawyer 

Car accidents can cause a wide array of chronic injuries, ranging from spinal cord damage and broken bones to serious brain trauma. In many cases, treating these injuries can come with a significant financial toll. At Herrling Clark Law Firm, Ltd., we are ready to fight to ensure that your family is not financially hurt due to the recklessness of another driver. In addition to compensation for victims for their damages arising from the accident, victims may also be able to recover “punitive” damages against drivers who cause injury by operating under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Whether punitive damages are available can be a very fact-specific inquiry, so it is important to consult an experienced personal injury attorney. Through aggressive representation, we are confident in our ability to secure the injury compensation your family deserves. To schedule a free consultation with an Appleton personal injury attorney, contact our team today at 920-739-7366. 
