Staying Safe on the Road During the “100 Deadliest Days”

Summer is in full swing. Families are out taking their vacations, visiting the lakes and rivers, hanging out at the parks, and making memories. Unfortunately, these lazy summer days also happen to be the most dangerous for teen drivers. They are so dangerous, in fact, that the time between Memorial Day and Labor Day have been dubbed the “100 deadliest days on the road.” Know how to keep you, and your teen drivers safe. Most of all, know what to do, should an automobile accident happen.
Understanding the Risk
According to the American Automobile Association (AAA)’s Foundation for Traffic Safety, the average rate of teen driver deaths increase by approximately 16 percent during the summer months. This is due, in part, to the increased number of teens on the road. However, there are also more parties, more alcohol, more distracted driving, and more traffic. All of this, paired with the slower reflexes and lack of driving experience in teens, puts them at especially high risk for injury and fatality during the summer months.
Protecting Yourself and Your Teen from Accidents
While you may not be able to prevent all accidents, you can reduce the risk of you and your teen experiencing an accident. Start by setting an example – do not text and drive, avoid unnecessary distractions, and follow the rules of the road. Then, set a strict, no-phone policy for your teen. Teach them to let you know before they start driving so you can avoid calling them or texting them while they are behind the wheel, and, if a text comes through, ask them to wait until they have arrived to text you or friends back.
If An Accident Does Happen
Unfortunately, all of the safe driving in the world cannot completely eradicate the risk of an accident. If one does happen, know how to take appropriate action and know what your rights are, particularly your right to fair compensation. Also, avoid talking to the insurance companies until you have consulted with an experienced attorney. They will only try to shortchange you. If given even the slightest bit of opportunity, they will even try to deny your claim.
At Herrling Clark Law Firm, Ltd., we protect your family’s interest. Our experienced Appleton, Wisconsin auto accident injury attorneys fight for your rights and help you pursue the compensation you deserve. Call us at 920-739-7366 and schedule your free initial consultation today.