
When “Free Speech” Becomes an Issue of Liability

There are places in the world where people are executed for speaking out against injustice, or for voicing an opinion. Americans are protected from this through their First Amendment rights – the right to free speech. Unfortunately, some believe this gives them unprecedented freedom, and that their words do not come with consequence. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, in some cases, “free speech” can sometimes become [...]

2016-08-16T10:47:00+00:00August 16, 2016|Green Bay Personal Injury Attorney|

Protect Yourself with UM-UIM Auto Insurance Coverage

Uninsured motorist coverage (UM) and underinsured motorist coverage (UIM) is insurance coverage that may provide benefits to you if you are in an accident with an uninsured or underinsured driver. Most states require such coverages and another handful are creating insurance verification systems to track or identify uninsured drivers. Unfortunately, a law passed under Governor Walker removed the statutory requirement in Wisconsin for driver's to carry UIM coverage. UM coverage [...]

2015-03-17T07:00:02+00:00March 17, 2015|Car Accidents|
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