
Catastrophic injuries in Bus and Transit Accidents Are Common

Buses are an inexpensive and environmentally friendly way to commute, but they can also be extremely dangerous to passengers and other road users. In fact, bus accidents are some of the most catastrophic crashes in existence. Learn more about the types of injuries you may sustain in a bus accident, and discover how an experienced attorney can help you recover compensation for your losses and injuries. A Closer Look at America's [...]

2017-09-14T09:12:00+00:00September 14, 2017|Truck Accidents|

When Negligent Behavior Causes a School Bus Crash

Every day, parents send their children off to school, expecting them to return home safe and sound. Yet, in November of 2016, as families across the country gave thanks, six families in Tennessee grieved the loss of their children. Their school bus crashed and toppled over before slamming into a tree. The impact was so severe that it nearly split the bus in two. What kind of actions might other [...]

2017-02-16T09:02:00+00:00February 16, 2017|Green Bay Auto Crash Attorney|
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