
How Can Internal Injuries Affect Car Accident Victims?

When motor vehicles collide, or when a pedestrian, bicyclist, or motorcyclist is struck by a car or truck, multiple types of serious injuries can occur. Many injuries, such as cuts and lacerations, are immediately noticeable, and a victim can ensure that they receive the proper treatment. However, internal injuries may not be as immediately obvious. When a person suffers damage to their internal organs, they are likely to be affected [...]

2022-07-29T15:14:32+00:00August 13, 2021|Appleton Personal Injury Attorney|

Why Did the Number of Pedestrian Accident Deaths Increase in 2020?

For many, life seemed to slow to a standstill for much of 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic led many people to work from home and avoid traveling or attending public gatherings. Because of this, one would expect that the roads would have been safer due to less traffic. However, the opposite was true, especially for pedestrians. The number of fatal pedestrian accidents increased by 8% from 2019 to 2020, but since [...]

2024-01-11T20:41:08+00:00April 9, 2021|Car Accidents, Pedestrian Accidents|

Is There an Increased Risk of Car Accidents in the Spring?

Dangerous motor vehicle accidents can take place at any time of year. However, while drivers may be aware of the risks that they face due to inclement weather conditions during the winter, they may not realize that driving during the spring can also be dangerous. This may be especially true in 2021; while fewer vehicles have been on the road over the past year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the [...]

2022-07-29T15:15:11+00:00March 19, 2021|Car Accidents|

March Is Brain Injury Awareness Month

While traumatic brain injuries, or TBIs, can happen to anyone at any time of year, the month of March has been highlighted by advocacy organizations such as the Brain Injury Association of America as a time to spotlight this issue. For many, a bump on the head might seem like a minor incident, and even if a person experiences a concussion, this may appear to be a short-term problem. However, [...]

When Can Car Accidents Lead to Amputation Injuries?

People who are involved in auto accidents can suffer a wide variety of injuries, and these can range from relatively minor issues to major trauma. Some of the most serious injuries involve damage that is so severe that a victim will permanently lose a body part such as an arm or leg. Amputations can not only be very painful, but they will usually lead to life-long disabilities, and a person [...]

2022-07-29T15:15:12+00:00March 15, 2021|Car Accidents|

Common Causes of Pedestrian Accidents in Wisconsin

On average, over 1,200 pedestrians are injured and over 50 are killed in Wisconsin car accidents each year. Pedestrians are some of the most defenseless accident victims, and in many cases, their injuries can be severe. If you have been injured as a pedestrian, understanding some of the frequent causes of pedestrian accidents may help you work with an attorney to demonstrate a driver’s negligence and obtain full compensation for [...]

2022-07-29T15:15:49+00:00October 1, 2020|Pedestrian Accidents|

Examining Pedestrian Injuries and Fatalities in Wisconsin

Studies show that approximately every seven hours, a pedestrian is injured or killed in a car accident in the state of Wisconsin. According to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, 1,252 car accidents involved pedestrians throughout 2016. While only 49 pedestrians suffered fatal injuries in these collisions, an incredible 1,181 pedestrians suffered injuries that required medical attention. If you or a loved one has suffered a pedestrian injury, it is time [...]

2022-07-29T15:16:13+00:00June 16, 2020|Pedestrian Accidents|

Safety Tips for Driving in a Restricted Zone in Wisconsin

Due to the unpredictable nature of a car accident, a motorist should always be alert and ready to handle any situation that the road, an opposing driver, or a pedestrian may cause. Although driving laws are enacted to ensure the safety and well-being of motorists and pedestrians, areas such as school zones and road construction areas have additional laws. Since children and workers are considered to be at a higher [...]

2022-07-29T15:19:27+00:00September 30, 2019|Car Accidents|

7 Ways to Avoid Pedestrian Accidents

Based on the statistics that have been reported, many common pedestrian acts, such as going for a walk or run, have become rather dangerous. Looking over trends from recent years, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that roughly 129, 000 pedestrians required treatment in emergency rooms for non-fatal crash-related injuries in 2015. The CDC has also reported that in 2016, 5, 987 pedestrians died in traffic crashes. [...]

2022-07-29T15:19:27+00:00September 27, 2019|Pedestrian Accidents|

7 Ways to Avoid Pedestrian Accidents

Based on the statistics that have been reported, many common pedestrian acts, such as going for a walk or run, have become rather dangerous. Looking over trends from recent years, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that roughly 129, 000 pedestrians required treatment in emergency rooms for non-fatal crash-related injuries in 2015. The CDC has also reported that in 2016, 5, 987 pedestrians died in traffic crashes. [...]

2022-07-29T15:19:27+00:00September 27, 2019|Pedestrian Accidents|
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