
WI Supreme Court Upholds Forced Blood Draws in Drunk Driving Cases

In a holiday ruling that will impact pending and future drunk driving cases, the Wisconsin Supreme Court upheld three drunk driving convictions that were based on forcibly taken blood samples. This ruling came despite a landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision that created a heightened standard for involuntary blood draws. Cases in Question The 2013 U.S. Supreme Court decision in Missouri v. McNeely established stricter requirements for when a warrantless forced [...]

2015-01-09T07:00:41+00:00January 9, 2015|Car Accidents|

Car Accidents Involving Uninsured Vehicles

Being involved in a car accident can be a very traumatic experience. Between seeking medical help for injuries and making adequate repairs to the car, the problems that occur after an accident can take several months to several years to resolve. All Wisconsin drivers are required to carry auto insurance before operating a vehicle. However, according to a study conducted in 2009 by the Insurance Information Institute, about 14.6 percent [...]

2014-07-29T15:00:57+00:00July 29, 2014|Car Accidents|
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