
Tennessee is Taking a Heavy-Handed Approach to Texting and Driving

The average text takes about five seconds to create and send. If traveling at 55 miles per hour in a vehicle, that means your eyes have been off the road long enough to travel the length of a football field. Of course, since your eyes are not on the road, that is like driving through the field blindfolded. If you imagine an obstacle course on that field, it is not [...]

2016-11-02T09:09:00+00:00November 2, 2016|Appleton Car Accident Attorneys|

Tennessee is Taking a Heavy-Handed Approach to Texting and Driving

The average text takes about five seconds to create and send. If traveling at 55 miles per hour in a vehicle, that means your eyes have been off the road long enough to travel the length of a football field. Of course, since your eyes are not on the road, that is like driving through the field blindfolded. If you imagine an obstacle course on that field, it is not [...]

2016-11-02T09:09:00+00:00November 2, 2016|Appleton Car Accident Attorneys|

Travel, Texting and Driving

The holidays are a time of reflection, celebration and family, and often involve traveling long distances to visit loved ones. Unfortunately, with the advent of cell phones and text messaging, inattentive driving has become a hazard and it is a growing cause for deadly car accidents. Texting and Driving in Wisconsin In Wisconsin, using a cell phone while driving is against the law for any driver under 18 or those [...]

2014-12-30T07:00:13+00:00December 30, 2014|Car Accidents|
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