Wisconsin auto accident attorneysSprains and strains are classified as an injury to a muscle, ligament, or tendon that occurs when a limb or joint is forced beyond its normal range of motion. Exceedingly common in car crashes, such injuries may result in compensation for auto accident victims. Learn more in the following sections, including how the assistance of a seasoned, competent personal injury lawyer can help to increase your chances of receiving a full and fair settlement in your auto accident claim. 

Car Crashes and Sprain Injuries 

Sprain injuries involve ligaments, which are connecting tissues that stretch around the joint and connect one bone to another. The tension this stretching creates stabilizes the joint. If the ligaments are damaged in an accident, the injured party may experience limited mobility until the sprain heals. Sprain injuries are separated into “grades, ” and the time-frame and treatment needed for healing will typically depend on the severity of the injury. 

  • Grade 1 sprains involve light stretching of the ligament. There is little damage, but the victim may experience temporary limited mobility that hinders their ability to work or care for their family;
  • Grade 2 sprains involve at least partial tearing to the ligament, which can usually be seen in a scan. The joint may be somewhat unstable, and healing times with these strains are typically longer than with Grade 1 sprains. Surgery may be required to ensure proper healing of the ligament;
  • Grade 3 sprains occur when the ligament tears in two. The victim may experience instability, and mobility may be extremely limited. These types of strains often require surgery. 

Car Crashes and Strain Injuries 

Strains are similar to sprains, but they involve muscles and tendons (structures that attach muscle to bone and ensure that the muscle is able to do its job) instead of ligaments. The most commonly experienced auto-accident related sprains involve the neck and back. Like sprains, strains injuries are categorized by their severity. Healing times will depend greatly upon whether the injury is considered mild, moderate, or severe. Strain symptoms can include:

  • Pain;
  • Swelling;
  • Weakness of the muscle;
  • Difficulty flexing the injured body part; and
  • Muscle spasms. 

Treatment for Sprain and Strain Injuries 

Unfortunately, sprain and strain injuries may not fully present itself until days after the crash, or they may be more severe than the victim originally thought. As such, car crash victims are highly encouraged to seek immediate medical attention after experiencing a car accident. Treatment for minor sprain or strain injuries may involve rest, ice, and compression and physical therapy. More severe injuries may require more involved treatment, which may include immobilization of the affected limb or joint and physical therapy to help rehabilitate the injured body part. Time missed from work, the cost of medical treatment and rehabilitative equipment or services, and any applicable pain and suffering may entitle the injured party to compensation. 

Contact Our Green Bay Car Crash Attorneys

At Herrling Clark Law Firm, Ltd., we aggressively pursue the most compensation possible for car crash victims. Skilled and experienced, our Green Bay auto accident lawyers will fight for your best interest, every step of the way. Schedule your free initial consultation by calling 920-739-7366 today. 

