For a while, Americans were taking their cars everywhere – even to the store just around the corner from their house. Then the obesity issue became an epidemic. Doctors and healthcare professionals pleaded with them to take their health more seriously. Some did. Then more caught on. Fast forward to today and walking has become the “new” way to commute. Unfortunately, not everyone can walk to commute. That means there are still a lot of cars on the road, and that pedestrians are at serious risk of death or injury in an accident.
Wisconsin’s Pedestrian Accident Statistics
Some cities are more pedestrian-minded than others. Take Seattle for example, where a large percentage of residents walk to work, school, or just to experience a night out on the town. Here, lawmakers and city officials make pedestrian safety a priority. Their Department of Transportation even has a “Master Plan” in place to ensure that this city stays pedestrian friendly.
Though not the worst of states, Wisconsin’s cities are generally less pedestrian friendly. In fact, around 60 pedestrians are killed in Wisconsin each year. Another 1, 5000 are injured. On average, that amounts to approximately one death or injury every five hours. That is a rather alarming revelation, especially when you consider the decline of pedestrians during the winter months.
Pedestrian Accidents and Negligent Drivers
While some pedestrian accidents are caused by drivers who were truly doing their best to drive safely (i.e. a driver in an unfamiliar neighborhood hits a pedestrian crossing a street that does not have a crosswalk or proper signaling), an alarming percentage are caused by drunk drivers, distracted drivers, or plain out reckless drivers. When this happens, and a pedestrian suffers injuries or a fatality, the dangerous and negligent driver can – and should – be held responsible for their actions. Furthermore, the victims of these accidents have a legal right to pursue monetary compensation for any injuries they may have sustained. In the case of a fatality, the victim’s family has the right to pursue damages for a wrongful death.
Contact Our Pedestrian Accident Injury Attorneys
At Herrling Clark Law Firm, Ltd., we recognize the impact that a pedestrian can have on victims and their families. We aggressively defend their rights and advocate for their best interests, pursuing the most compensation possible for their injuries. If you or someone you love has been injured or killed in a pedestrian accident, get the skilled assistance you deserve. Call 920-739-7366 and schedule a consultation with our Green Bay, Wisconsin pedestrian accident attorneys today.