
Pursuing a 3rd Party Wrongful Death Construction Accident Claim

Construction workers repair and build our roads, bridges, and buildings. Without them, growth and industry would come to a halt. Yet these workers, who serve as the backbone of our economy, have one of the most dangerous jobs in America. In fact, one in five workplace deaths occur within the construction industry. While workers compensation is available to cover on the job accidents, damages in workers compensation claims are limited. [...]

2016-12-28T09:19:00+00:00December 28, 2016|Wrongful Death|

Construction Sites and Injuries to Passers-by

Construction is widely considered to be one of the most dangerous industries due to the number of workers injured and killed every year while on the job. However, construction workers are not the only ones who risk sustaining serious injuries in or around a construction site. The dangers of a construction site can cause injury to anyone who is near the site, even if workers are not present. Sites should [...]

2015-09-01T10:10:07+00:00September 1, 2015|Green Bay Personal Injury Attorney|
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