
Product Recalls and the Risk of Electrocution – What Every Consumer Should Know

Consumers expect that the products they purchase will be safe to use, so long as they follow the warnings and instructions. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Instead, statistics say that some 48 people die of consumer product-related electrocution each year. Learn how you can obtain full and fair compensation if you or your loved one has been killed or injured by a consumer product, and discover how a [...]

2018-03-08T08:17:00+00:00March 8, 2018|Electrocution|

Defective Toys and Child Injuries – What Every Parent Should Know

If you are like most parents, you take the time to check age recommendations before purchasing a new toy for your child. You may even check to ensure the product has not been recalled, and if you ever learn of one, you get rid of the toy or return the toy or send it in for a refund or replacement. So, what happens when your child experiences an injury, despite [...]

2017-06-27T09:27:00+00:00June 27, 2017|Dangerous Products|

What Every American Should Know About the Consumer Protection Safety Act

The Consumer Protection Safety Act (CPSA) is meant to protect consumers from the risk of death or injury from dangerous and defective products. Enacted by Congress in 1972, it outlines guidelines for the safe production, sale, packaging, and labeling of consumer products. It also regulates manufacturers and requires that they follow a specific protocol if or when a defective product is discovered. Unfortunately, not all manufacturers adhere to the CPSA. [...]

2017-03-28T09:04:00+00:00March 28, 2017|Dangerous Products|

CSPC Report Reveals Concerning Information on Defective Product Electrocutions

Electrocution might seem like an easy situation to avoid, but there are unseen and little known risks everywhere. They come in the form of defective consumer products, such as power tools, hair dryers, dishwashers, refrigerators, and dishwashers. Even more concerning is the rate at which these products lead to serious and life-threatening injuries. If you are a consumer and own any electrical appliance, tool, or device know what your risks [...]

2016-09-06T09:58:00+00:00September 6, 2016|Dangerous Products|

Do You Have Dangerous Products in Your Home?

Most houses are filled with countless products that help make our lives easier, provide entertainment, and generally improve our life quality. Unfortunately, with the many benefits of consumer products also comes the risk of accidents and injuries right in our own homes. Research indicates that an estimated 34 million people suffer injuries due to accidents caused by defective or dangerous consumer products on an annual basis. The Consumer Products Safety [...]

2015-06-24T09:40:43+00:00June 24, 2015|Appleton Products Liability Lawyer|
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