
The Increasing Number of Accidents Involving Self-Driving Cars Are a Cause for Concern

Self-driving cars are supposed to be the wave of the future, and experts say they can help reduce the number of accident-related deaths and injuries that occur each year. Unfortunately, current data suggests that driverless cars may actually increase the chances of an accident. The problem with this is that fault can be a confusing thing in accidents involving driverless cars. Learn more about pursuing compensation if you or someone [...]

2018-04-10T10:59:00+00:00April 10, 2018|Green Bay Auto Crash Attorney|

Safety Advocates Are Asking Congress to Go Slow on Driverless Vehicles

With more than 40, 000 highway deaths and approximately two million deaths last year, lawmakers are eager to reduce the number of traffic accidents that occur on U.S. highways each year. Self-driving cars – those that operate without the aid of the driver – seem to be the answer that lawmakers are focusing on right now. In fact, Congress is currently considering several bills that would expand the driverless car [...]

2017-12-14T09:49:00+00:00December 14, 2017|Car Accidents|
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