
Distracted Driving Responsible for 10 Percent of Traffic Fatalities

Distracted driving may not be a new issue, but its growth since the development of mobile devices has brought a new awareness to this deadly driving behavior.  In fact, a recent analysis of 1.4 million copies of police records from Ohio State University determined that almost half of all crashes within the state involved a distracted driver. Although that analysis was conducted in another state, national statistics indicate that distracted [...]

2018-06-11T09:48:00+00:00June 11, 2018|Distracted Driving|

Ten Common Causes of Auto Accidents

Statistics indicate that almost 1.3 million people are killed in car crashes each year. Another 20 to 50 million are injured. What causes these crashes, and how can you avoid them? The following information offers information on 10 of the most common causes of auto accidents, and it provides details on where and why victims should find assistance when filing a claim. Driver Distraction When people think of distracted driving, [...]

2017-09-19T08:36:00+00:00September 19, 2017|Green Bay Auto Crash Attorney|
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