
What Steps Should I Take After a Dog Bite Injury in Wisconsin?

Although most dogs are friendly and docile, they can become aggressive under certain circumstances. A dog bite injury can be a traumatic experience for both adults and children. A canine attack can result in severe lacerations, broken bones, and a variety of other injuries. In addition, dog attacks can have a lasting impact on a victim’s emotional well-being, particularly if the wounds lead to disfigurement. If you or a loved [...]

2022-07-29T15:19:23+00:00November 26, 2019|Dog Bites|

Examining the Potential Complications of a Dog Bite Injury

It is estimated that some 4.5 million people are bitten by a dog in the United States each year. Of those, nearly 885, 000 seek medical treatment, 30, 000 require reconstructive surgery, and 3 to 18 percent develop an injury-related infection. Startling as these statistics may sound, there is treatment available. The following sections can help you learn more about the potential complications of such injuries, their treatment, and the [...]

2018-04-17T09:00:00+00:00April 17, 2018|Dog Bites|
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