
Why Is it Important to Seek Medical Attention After a Car Accident?

Sometimes, the effects of a car accident are immediately apparent, and you may suffer from visible injuries, acute pain, and noticeable effects on your physical and mental abilities that you know require immediate medical care. However, other cases are not as clear cut. You may question whether medical treatment is necessary for minor cuts, bruises, or aches after a car accident, but you should know that it is in your [...]

2022-07-29T15:15:39+00:00November 1, 2020|Car Accidents|

How a Spinal Injury Registry Could Help Newly Injured Patients

Spinal injuries are often the most devastating because they are capable of causing partial or complete paralysis and, depending on the location and severity, may require specialized lifetime treatment. Unfortunately, the data available to treat patients can be hard to come by for doctors. This can limit the understanding and even the potential outcomes. Advocates in Australia are calling for a national registry database on treatment. Patients in the U.S. [...]

2016-04-08T13:09:29+00:00April 8, 2016|Spinal Cord Injuries|
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