
Safety Tips for Avoiding Car Accidents When Driving During the Spring

With winter coming to a close, drivers throughout the state of Wisconsin are celebrating better driving conditions, and for good reason. This February marked one of the worst driving months in recent memory for travelers across Wisconsin. According to the Wisconsin State Patrol, a staggering 5, 892 vehicle assistance calls were made to law enforcement. The vast majority of these calls were due to vehicles sliding off the road or [...]

2019-04-16T14:43:29+00:00April 16, 2019|Car Accidents|

Examining the Dangers of Fall Driving

Because it is associated with holidays, family, and outdoor fun, fall is a considered a beautiful and joyous time of year by most people. Unfortunately, it can also be dangerous – just as dangerous, sometimes, as the winter. Learn how you can protect your family from potential injury this fall by examining some of the biggest season-related driving dangers, and how to avoid them. You shall also learn what you [...]

2017-09-15T08:19:00+00:00September 15, 2017|Appleton Car Accident Attorneys|
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