
When Negligent Behavior Causes a School Bus Crash

Every day, parents send their children off to school, expecting them to return home safe and sound. Yet, in November of 2016, as families across the country gave thanks, six families in Tennessee grieved the loss of their children. Their school bus crashed and toppled over before slamming into a tree. The impact was so severe that it nearly split the bus in two. What kind of actions might other [...]

2017-02-16T09:02:00+00:00February 16, 2017|Green Bay Auto Crash Attorney|

Personal Injuries Happen at School

With the beginning of the school year quickly approaching, many parents will send their children off into the care of other adults each weekday for the next several months. Parents should be able to trust that their children will be safe from harm while at school; however,  injuries do occur on a regular basis in a wide variety of school-related accidents, many of which occur due to a school's negligence. [...]

2015-08-18T07:00:26+00:00August 18, 2015|Appleton Personal Injury Attorney|

Road Rules: The Right-of-Way in Wisconsin

Earlier this year, a Pulaski school bus carrying 26 passengers crashed after crossing a four-lane highway where traffic was moving 65 miles per hour. The bus collided with a westbound car which struck the passenger-side back corner of the bus. Tragically, one passenger in the car died. In addition, the driver of the car suffered serious injuries. Fortunately, however, no one on the bus suffered injuries. The Shawano County Sheriff's [...]

2014-12-05T07:00:17+00:00December 5, 2014|Car Accidents|
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