Appleton, WI burn injury attorneyEvery year, an average of 450,000 Americans suffer burn injuries that require medical attention. While some of these injuries may be able to heal quickly without many long-term implications, others can change a person’s life forever. In many instances, severe burns can cause damage to the skin, muscles, nerves, and even the bones. In these cases, burn injuries often require extensive medical treatment and long-term rehabilitation. If you or a loved one have suffered a burn injury, you should speak with a personal injury attorney to learn about your legal options for addressing the harm done to you and your family. 

Seeking Compensation After a Burn Injury

Burn injuries can occur in a wide variety of situations, such as a motor vehicle accident or in a fire that occurs at a home or business. When these injuries are caused by the fault of another party, a victim may pursue compensation through a personal injury claim. In these cases, our attorneys can help you demonstrate fault and determine what types of compensation you can seek from the liable party. Many serious burn injuries require treatment such as skin grafts, surgery, and ongoing physical therapy. In addition to receiving compensation for the costs of medical care, you may be able to recover lost income and payment for your pain and suffering.

Serious burn injuries can also occur in the workplace. For example, exposure to substances such as chlorine or ammonia can result in chemical burns, and in some cases, these injuries take place because an employer failed to provide the proper protective equipment or training. Electrical burns are also common in industries such as construction, and workers who suffer severe burns may be eligible for workers’ compensation, regardless of who was responsible for the injury. In some cases, when the fault for the burn rests with a person or entity other than the employer or a fellow employee, such as an independent contractor who may have caused the accident or chemical manufacturer who may have produced a defective product, a “third party claim” can be made against such party. Damages in a third party claim are usually far greater than what can be recovered in a workers’ compensation case.

Contact a Green Bay Burn Injury Lawyer

Burn injuries can come with life-changing ramifications for you and your family. In order to ensure your family’s financial security in the aftermath of an accident, you need a dedicated attorney who is experienced in these types of cases. At Herrling Clark Law Firm, Ltd., we are dedicated to helping our clients secure the compensation they need in the aftermath of a serious injury. To schedule a complimentary consultation with a trustworthy Appleton personal injury attorney, call us today at 920-739-7366. 
