
What Are the Possible Effects of a Traumatic Brain Injury?

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are common in car accidents due to the force of the impact of a collision, as well as objects inside and outside of the vehicle that can deliver a blow to the head. Vehicle occupants, motorcyclists, bicyclists, and pedestrians are all at risk, and the effects can be severe. If you have suffered a TBI in a car crash or any other situation involving another person’s negligence, a personal injury lawsuit can [...]

2022-07-29T15:15:14+00:00January 26, 2021|Wisconsin Brain Injury Attorney|

How Can Passengers Recover Damages After a Wisconsin Car Crash?

When a car accident occurs, the fault usually lies with one or more of the drivers involved, but passengers often suffer some of the most serious injuries. If you have been injured in a crash in which you were a passenger, you should know that you do have the ability to pursue compensation for your damages, but it is important to determine who is responsible so that you have the best [...]

2022-07-29T15:15:14+00:00January 22, 2021|Car Accidents|

5 Ways a Wisconsin Car Accident Can Impact Your Life

If you have been injured in a car crash, your immediate injuries may be just the beginning of the challenges you will face. A car accident can affect your life in many different ways, and as you prepare to pursue a personal injury claim against the at-fault driver, it is important to consider the full impact so that you can work with your attorney to determine a fair amount of compensation that [...]

2022-07-29T15:15:15+00:00January 21, 2021|Car Accidents|

Common Causes of Distracted Driving That Do Not Involve a Cell Phone

Car crashes caused by distracted driving are incredibly common, with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation reporting that one in five accidents involve distracted driving in some form. Texting while driving gets much of the attention in distracted driving prevention and safety campaigns, but this focus on cell phone use may mask the prevalence of other causes of distracted driving that can be equally dangerous. If you are injured as a result [...]

2022-07-29T15:15:15+00:00January 15, 2021|Distracted Driving|

Can I Recover Compensation After a Snowmobile Accident in Wisconsin?

Snowmobiling is a common pastime during Wisconsin winters, and in fact, some of the first-ever snowmobiles were created in the state of Wisconsin. However, it can be a dangerous hobby, as recent years have demonstrated. In 2019, snowmobile accident fatalities in the state matched the most recent 10-year average of 16, and there was an even greater number of fatal accidents in 2020. Fortunately, injury victims of accidents involving snowmobiles [...]

2022-07-29T15:15:15+00:00January 14, 2021|Recreational Vehicle Accidents|

How Can I Handle Medical Bills Before Getting an Injury Settlement?

If you have been injured due to someone else’s negligence, you have the ability to pursue a personal injury claim seeking compensation for all your damages from the at-fault party. However, the process of reaching a settlement or achieving a trial verdict in your favor can often take several months or more, and you will most likely need medical care during this time. As you deal with your ongoing medical expenses, [...]

2022-07-29T15:15:15+00:00January 7, 2021|Appleton Personal Injury Attorney|

How Do I File a Wrongful Death Claim for My Loved One?

A fatal car accident is a tragic event not only for the person who loses his or her life, but also for the surviving family members who must cope with the untimely loss of their loved one. During such a time, monetary compensation may seem like small comfort compared to what you have lost, but it is important to think about how it can provide relief from the financial stress you [...]

2022-07-29T15:15:15+00:00January 4, 2021|Wrongful Death|

Signs and Effects of Whiplash After a Wisconsin Car Crash

Whiplash is one of the most common car crash injuries, especially in rear-end collisions, but it can also be one of the most difficult injuries to detect. What may manifest itself as soreness in the immediate aftermath of a crash can lead to more serious complications in the future. For this reason, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible after an accident and hire an attorney who can help [...]

2022-07-29T15:15:15+00:00December 30, 2020|Car Accidents|

Filing a Personal Injury Claim for a Work-Related Car Accident

If driving is a significant part of your work responsibilities (for example, if you are a truck driver, bus driver, or delivery driver), you are at risk of getting injured in a car accident in the course of your work. The same can be true even if you only drive for work occasionally, such as when your employer asks you to run an errand. If you have been injured while driving for work, [...]

2022-07-29T15:15:16+00:00December 28, 2020|Car Accidents|

Who Is Liable for Accidents Caused by Improper Truck Maintenance?

Semi-trucks are large vehicles with thousands of moving parts, and if one of those parts is damaged, defective, or otherwise working improperly, it may ultimately lead to an accident. If you have been injured in a truck accident, it is important to work with an attorney who can thoroughly investigate your case to determine whether improper maintenance may be a factor, and if so, who all may be liable for [...]

2022-07-29T15:15:16+00:00December 17, 2020|Truck Accidents|
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