Five Safe Driving Tips for Winter Roads

If you have lived in Wisconsin for any period of time, you know that driving in the winter can be a white-knuckle experience. Although none of us can control the weather, there are several things you can think about behind the wheel during the winter that will help keep you safe on the roads.
Check the weather before getting behind the wheel.
Just because there isn’t snow falling from the sky doesn’t mean the roads may not be treacherous. Black ice can be extremely dangerous and while it is most prevalent overnight, it can linger throughout the day. Checking road conditions before you leave the house can help prepare you for your trip.
Allow for extra travel time.
During the winter months, give yourself extra time to get where you need to go. Rushing in even the best conditions can lead to collisions but rushing on snow covered or icy roads can be especially dangerous.
Slow down!
When you’re driving, pay close attention to your speed. While you may be driving the posted speed limit, this may actually be too fast for winter conditions. Understand that braking on snowy or icy reads will require additional time to stop, and avoid a crash.
Don’t tailgate.
Although following too closely is dangerous at all times, it is especially problematic in the winter. Be sure to leave more space than you normally would between your vehicle and other vehicles, including snowplows and other winter equipment, on the road. Your vehicle’s reaction time to stop or slow down may be lengthened on slippery roads, so leaving extra space can help ensure you can safely come to a stop when necessary.
Be extremely cautious on bridges and raised roadways.
Certain stretches of road are prone to even more slippery surfaces, including bridges and overpasses. Even if roads seem relatively normal, slowing down and proceeding with caution while on these stretches is a safe idea.
Call a Wisconsin Car Accidents Injury Lawyer
Herrling Clark Law Firm Ltd. is highly experienced at investigating winter car accidents despite the challenges snow and ice bring. Our knowledgeable Green Bay car accident injuries lawyers will begin collecting the evidence you need right away and fight for you to recover compensation for your personal injuries . Contact our personal injury attorneys to schedule a consultation to discuss your case.