
Sorry State of U.S. OWI Laws: Man Receives Eight Year Prison Sentence after Ninth DUI Conviction

In the state of Wisconsin, a first offense of operating while intoxicated (OWI) is punishable only by a small fine and six to nine months in jail. No interlock device is required, and offenders are still permitted to drive to and from work or school. Secondary offenses may not be much better. For example, Wisconsin does require an interlock for subsequent offenses, but jail time falls anywhere between five days [...]

2016-03-17T15:23:49+00:00March 17, 2016|Wisconsin Personal Injury Lawyer|

Read the Fine Print: Arbitration Clauses and Indemnification Agreements Are Everywhere

Many Americans realize that legal paperwork, extensions of credit, and financial agreements contain fine print—terms and conditions that define your responsibilities, rights, and the ability to take legal recourse against a company. Most have been taught to read this information in its entirety to ensure that they understand the agreement being made. However, recently these powerful little clauses have found their way into almost everything, and Americans, who are mostly [...]

2016-03-01T15:16:44+00:00March 1, 2016|Wisconsin Personal Injury Lawyer|

Prevention and Treatment of Dog Bites

Dog bites can be traumatic experiences that leave both emotional and physical scars, long after the initial injury has healed. Sadly, children are often most susceptible, due in part to their curious nature and lack of knowledge when it comes to interacting with strange animals. However, even adults can become victim to a loose and aggressive dog. Know how to best prevent such injuries, and how you can treat them [...]

2016-01-12T07:00:00+00:00January 12, 2016|Dog Bites|

Accident Victims May Require Surgery

Victims of accidents can sustain several different types of personal injuries for which the necessary medical treatment can vary widely. Following an accident, injured victims may simply require a doctor's visit and rest; others may require emergency trauma care and extensive treatment in the hospital. Additionally, accident victims who sustain severe injuries may require one or more surgical procedures to repair the damage. Types of Injuries That May Require Surgery [...]

2015-10-20T14:37:20+00:00October 20, 2015|Wisconsin Personal Injury Lawyer|

Common Aviation Accidents: The Real Dangers

Recliner Rage in the News Recently dubbed as “recliner rage” by the news media, people behaving badly on airplanes is a current hot topic. Over the last month, no fewer than three commercial flights were re-routed and forced to land due to passenger scuffles in the United States. One such United Airlines flight from Newark to Denver was diverted to Chicago when two passengers became unruly and combative due to [...]

2014-10-09T13:50:34+00:00October 9, 2014|Wisconsin Personal Injury Lawyer|
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