
What You Should Do After a Holiday Drunk Driving Accident

Although the number of fatalities caused by drunk driving accidents throughout the United States has decreased by 48 percent since 1982, more than 20, 000 people are arrested each year for operating while intoxicated (OWI) in Wisconsin. Even though fatality rates have decreased, drunk driving is still one of the most serious forms of driver negligence, and it can have deadly results. Being involved in a car accident can have [...]

2022-07-29T15:19:23+00:00December 11, 2019|Drunk Driving Accidents|

How Drunk Driving Increases The Risk of a Car Accident

On April 5th, 2019, three people were fatally injured in a car accident outside of the Village of Bristol. The three passengers were killed when a drunk driver who was traveling at speeds over 100 mph rear-ended their vehicle, causing the car to flip into a ditch. The tragic accident was a sobering reminder of the dangers of drunk driving. If a member of your family is injured in a [...]

2019-04-11T16:00:41+00:00April 11, 2019|Drunk Driving Accidents|

Obtaining Compensation After an Accident with a Drunk Driver

Statistics indicate that three out of 10 drivers in the U.S. will experience a drunk driving accident at some point in their lives. Sadly, these accidents often involve uninsured or unlicensed drivers who have repeatedly driven while intoxicated, so victims may struggle to obtain compensation. Add in the chances of a hit-and-run and the devastating nature of most drunk driving accidents and you have a frustrating and frightening situation for [...]

2018-02-20T09:40:00+00:00February 20, 2018|Drunk Driving Accidents|

Pedestrian Accidents and Drunk Drivers – A Fatal Combination

Drunk driving accidents are thought to account for approximately one-third of America’s fatal crashes (more than 10, 000 accidents per year), but not all victims are other drivers. In fact, one study found that about 13 percent of all pedestrian deaths were caused by an intoxicated vehicle driver. What sort of compensation might the families of these victims be entitled to, and where can you find assistance? The following explains. [...]

2017-06-29T09:44:00+00:00June 29, 2017|Pedestrian Accidents|

Seeking Compensation as a Drunk Driving Victim

Each year, nearly 10, 000 people are killed in drunk driving accidents. Even more experience injuries of varying degrees. Many victims need at least some form of medical treatment, which can result in costly medical bills. Further, some drunk driving accident victims may lose time at work. Still, others may experience permanent disability and may never be able to return to work – and all because one person acted with [...]

2017-04-11T09:17:00+00:00April 11, 2017|Drunk Driving Accidents|

Who Can Be Held Liable in a Drunk Driving Accident?

Statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that intoxicated driving causes approximately 31 percent of all traffic-related deaths in America. In total, that amounts to nearly 10 million drunk driving deaths per year, and about one death every 53 minutes. Additionally, there are thousands more injured in drunk driving crashes. The following examines who can be held liable in such situations, and why it is important. [...]

2017-03-21T09:41:00+00:00March 21, 2017|Drunk Driving Accidents|

Could Pierce County’s Felony DUI Program Be the Solution to Drunk Driving Accidents in Wisconsin?

Over the years, Wisconsin has received a lot of criticism for its lax drunk driving laws – and rightly so considering alcohol-related crashes kill approximately 162 people in Wisconsin each year and injure almost 2, 700 others. A recent revision to criminal penalties, which now makes a fourth DUI a felony charge, has garnered some positive attention but this change may not be sufficient enough to reduce the number of [...]

2016-09-15T09:29:00+00:00September 15, 2016|Wisconsin Personal Injury Lawyer|

Traffic Fatalities in America Are On the Rise

Of all the traffic accidents that occur, those that end in fatality are the most devastating. Sadly, a recent analysis on this year’s traffic accidents has found that these accidents are on the rise. Up by 9 percent in the first half of 2016 when compared to the same time period in 2015, this increase means that an estimated 2.2 million drivers were seriously injured and more than 19, 000 [...]

2016-09-01T09:00:00+00:00September 1, 2016|Green Bay Auto Crash Attorney|

Drunk Driving Accidents Seriously Injure Thousands of Innocent Victims Each Year

A recent drunk driving accident in Wisconsin led to the hospitalization of four people. The driver, who was allegedly rear-ended the other vehicle, was also checked for possible injuries before being jailed on charges for suspicion of injury by intoxicated use of a vehicle. This incident, though tragic, is extremely common in the United States. It is so common, in fact, that it causes thousands of deaths and injuries each [...]

2016-06-21T13:51:18+00:00June 21, 2016|Drunk Driving Accidents|

Bicyclists and Pedestrians Especially Vulnerable in Drunk Driving Accidents

Statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicate that approximately 31 percent of all traffic-related deaths are caused by drivers under the influence of alcohol. In total, this amounts to nearly 10, 000 deaths each and every year. Pedestrians and bicyclists, who are largely unprotected during a vehicular impact, are often the most vulnerable. They also tend to be the ones most likely to be hit and [...]

2016-06-14T14:47:48+00:00June 14, 2016|Bicycle Accidents|
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